(a) The Council on Correction (COC) is reestablished.
(b) The COC shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Commissioner of Correction and shall consider matters relating to the development and progress of the correctional system of this State. The Council shall consider such other matters as may be referred to it by the Governor, the Commissioner and the Chief of the Bureau of Adult Correction. The Council may study, research, plan and advise the several chiefs, the Commissioner and the Governor on matters it deems appropriate to enable the Department to function in the best manner. The Council shall consider matters relating to the development and progress of the adult correctional system of this State, including correctional facilities and services provided to adult offenders.
(c) The COC shall be composed of 7 members appointed by the Governor for terms up to 3 years to allow that no more than 3 members’ terms expire in any year. The COC members shall annually elect a Chair and Vice Chair of the Council.
(d) The COC shall meet no less than 6 times a year. The failure by a member to attend 2 consecutive or 3 regular meetings of the Council per year without cause shall be construed as a request by that member to resign from the Council. The Governor may accept the resignation and appoint a replacement member. A quorum shall consist of a majority of current members.
(e) Members of the Council shall serve without compensation, except that they may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incident to their duties as members of the Council.
(f), (g) [Repealed.]
60 Del. Laws, c. 251, § 14; 64 Del. Laws, c. 108, §§ 16, 17; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1; 79 Del. Laws, c. 379, § 1.