(a) A majority of the membership of the Commission constitutes a quorum to conduct official business. Official action by the Commission, including making findings and recommendations, requires the approval of a majority of the members of the Commission present at a meeting with quorum.
(b) The Commission may adopt rules necessary for its operation.
(c) The Commission may undertake the following functions to implement the Task Force recommendations and to further the goals and purposes of the Commission:
(1) Establish subcommittees.
(2) Engage with other organizations to exchange ideas and information and to provide those other organizations with the opportunity to engage with the Commission.
(3) Study, research, plan, and make advisory recommendations to the Governor, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of DNREC, the Department of Agriculture, or the General Assembly.
(d) In carrying out the Commission’s duties under this subchapter, the Commission shall consider any related plans and programs developed by other organizations with expertise in native species conservation or protection, or in the eradication of invasive species, and may designate representatives to serve on special committees, organizations, or other entities to plan, develop, and coordinate specific activities.
81 Del. Laws, c. 256, § 1.