(a) All complaints shall be received and investigated by the Division in accordance with § 8735 of Title 29, and the Division shall be responsible for issuing a final written report at the conclusion of its investigation.
(b) When it is determined that an individual is engaging, or has engaged, in the practice of podiatry, or is using the title “podiatrist” and is not licensed under the laws of this State, the Board shall apply to the Office of the Attorney General to issue a cease and desist order.
(c) The Division shall have the authority to conduct inspections upon receipt of any complaint in connection with § 515(a)(8) of this title or upon the occurrence of an adverse event as defined in § 122(3)y.3.A. of Title 16 and, as applicable, to refer such information to the Department of Health and Social Services pursuant to § 122(3)y. of Title 16. In connection herewith, the Division may share information with the Department of Health and Social Services in accordance with applicable law.
64 Del. Laws, c. 39, § 1; 65 Del. Laws, c. 355, § 1; 72 Del. Laws, c. 213, § 1; 78 Del. Laws, c. 15, § 8.