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U.S. State Codes
Title 24 - Professions and ...
Chapter 17. Medical Practic...
Subchapter IV Disciplinary Regulation; Proceedi...
Subchapter IV Disciplinary Regulation; Proceedings of the Board
§ 1730 Duty to report unprofessional conduct and inability to practice medicine.
§ 1731 Unprofessional conduct and inability to practice medicine.
§ 1731A Duty to report.
§ 1731B Counseling; letter of concern.
§ 1732 Investigations of complaints; Executive Director authority.
§ 1733 Complaints; notice of hearing [Repealed].
§ 1734 Hearings.
§ 1735 Revocation or suspension of certificate.
§ 1736 Appeal procedures.
§ 1737 Confidentiality of records.
§ 1738 Temporary suspension pending hearing.
§ 1739 Protection from liability.
§ 1740 Health care facilities reporting requirements.
§ 1741 Complaints of unsanitary or unsafe conditions.