(a) The procurement of material and the award of contracts for construction, repairs or work of any nature made by any authority shall be subject to Chapter 69 of Title 29.
(b) No member of the Board of the Wilmington Parking Authority shall be entitled to vote on any matter before the Board if such member has a direct or indirect financial interest in the outcome of such matter under review. In the event such a financial interest exists, said member shall disclose to the Board the nature of the interest and said member shall refrain from any discussion, deliberation, action and/or vote by the Board on this matter. In situations in which a member or members do not vote by reason of such financial interest, the matter pending before the Board will be decided on the basis of a majority vote of the remaining members present who do not have a financial interest in the matter. A member or members having a financial interest as set forth herein shall be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum, provided such member or members are present at the meeting. The disqualification of a member from voting on a matter before the Board by reason of a financial interest therein shall not affect the validity of any action taken by the Board relative to the matter before it.
(c) Subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to the construction of parking facilities intended to serve and be an integral part of a redevelopment project in any municipality where the municipality or its redevelopment agency has designated or selected a developer who is responsible for the overall development of the project including parking facilities. In such case, the authority may negotiate with the developer for the construction and design of public parking facilities on such terms and conditions as the authority may deem justified and in the public interest.
48 Del. Laws, c. 369, § 11; 22 Del. C. 1953, § 510; 57 Del. Laws, c. 625, § 5; 58 Del. Laws, c. 219; 68 Del. Laws, c. 401, § 1.