Every unincorporated town having more than 300 inhabitants may annually on the second Saturday in July, by a majority of the voters qualified to vote, or a majority of the voters present at the annual meeting, elect 3 commissioners. For purposes of this section “qualified voters” shall mean the following:
Any unincorporated town may provide for a voter registration which registration may not be concluded any sooner than 2 weeks prior to the actual election date.
The penalties shall be for the use of the town and may be collected as other penalties of like amount imposed by law.
Any justices of the peace residing in such town shall, with the aid of 2 citizens called by them, hold the election for commissioners and ascertain and make a record of the result.
Code 1852, §§ 893-895; 11 Del. Laws, c. 581; Code 1915, § 3442; Code 1935, § 3901; 22 Del. C. 1953, § 102; 62 Del. Laws, c. 289, §§ 1-3.