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U.S. State Codes
Title 20 - Military and Civ...
Chapter 1. Delaware Nationa...
Subchapter II Department of Military Affairs
Subchapter II Department of Military Affairs
§ 121 Established; composition.
§ 122 Adjutant General; appointment; qualifications.
§ 123 Adjutant General — Powers and duties.
§ 124 Assistant Adjutants General — Rank; appointment; qualifications.
§ 125 Assistant Adjutants General — Duties in absence or disability of Adjutant General.
§ 126 Service Officers; appointment and duties [Repealed].
§ 127 Military staff of Governor.
§ 128 Duties of Department of Military Affairs.
§ 129 Commissioned and warrant officers; oath and term of appointment.
§ 130 Regulations as to appointment of officers and other matters.
§ 131 Enlistment and oath.
§ 132 Death of veteran personnel; state flags to half-staff.
§ 133 Retirement of officers and enlisted personnel [Repealed].
§ 134 Retirement of officers and enlisted personnel — Rights of retired officers and enlisted personnel.
§ 135 Oaths and affirmations; who may administer; false swearing.
§ 136 State armories and arsenals; use; rentals; payment of orders; application for federal funds.