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U.S. State Codes
Title 18 - Insurance Code
Chapter 35. Group and Blank...
Subchapter III Provisions Applicable to Group a...
Subchapter III Provisions Applicable to Group and Blanket Health Insurance
§ 3550 Newborn children.
§ 3551 Filing of rates.
§ 3552 Cancer screening tests.
§ 3553 Midwife services reimbursement.
§ 3554 Lead poison screening reimbursement.
§ 3555 Coverage of cancer monitoring tests.
§ 3555A Equal reimbursement for oral and intravenous anticancer medication.
§ 3555B Coverage of drugs approved for treatment of certain cancers [For application of this section, see 81 Del. Laws, c. 180, §§ 3 and 4].
§ 3556 Obstetrical and gynecological coverage.
§ 3556A Primary care coverage. [For application of this section, see 81 Del. Laws, c. 392, § 12] [Expires Aug. 29, 2021, pursuant to 81 Del. Laws, c. 392, § 10]
§ 3557 Child abuse or neglect — Group coverage.
§ 3558 Immunizations and preventive services.
§ 3559 Reversible contraceptives.
§ 3559A-3559C Insurance coverage for diabetes; annual pap smear coverage reimbursement; colorectal cancer screening [Transferred].
§ 3560 Insurance coverage for diabetes.
§ 3561 Annual pap smear coverage reimbursement.
§ 3562 Colorectal cancer screening.
§ 3563 Required coverage for reconstructive surgery following mastectomy.
§ 3564 Referrals.
§ 3565 Emergency care.
§ 3565A Required coverage for volunteer ambulance company services.
§ 3566 Prescription medication.
§ 3566A Copayment or coinsurance for prescription drugs limited [For application of this section, see 82 Del. Laws, c. 57, § 3].
§ 3567 Clinical trials.
§ 3567B Experimental treatment coverage.
§ 3568 Newborn and infant hearing screening; coverage and reimbursement.
§ 3569 Use of Social Security numbers on insurance cards.
§ 3570 Supplemental coverage for children of insureds [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].
§ 3570A Autism spectrum disorders coverage.
§ 3571 Phenylketonuria (PKU) and other inherited metabolic diseases.
§ 3571A Hearing aid coverage.
§ 3571B Required coverage for scalp hair prosthesis.
§ 3571C Dental services for children with a severe disability.
§ 3571D Screening of infants and toddlers for developmental delays.
§ 3571E Reimbursement for orthotic and prosthetic services.
§ 3571F Mini-COBRA small employer group health policies [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].
§ 3571G School-based health centers.
§ 3571H Payment for emergency medical services.
§ 3571I No lifetime or annual limits [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 9, § 19].
§ 3571J Guaranteed availability of coverage [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].
§ 3571K Prohibition on excessive waiting periods [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].
§ 3571L Nondiscrimination in health care [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].
§ 3571M Comprehensive health insurance coverage [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19]
§ 3571N Prohibiting discrimination against individual participants and beneficiaries based on health status [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].
§ 3571O Insurance offered through the state health insurance exchange [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].
§ 3571P Rating factors [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19]
§ 3571Q Notification and reasons for cancellation or nonrenewal [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 390, § 8].
§ 3571R Telemedicine.
§ 3571S Network disclosure and transparency.
§ 3571T Coverage for treatment of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections and pediatric acute onset neuropsychiatric syndrome.
§ 3571U Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act reporting requirements.
§ 3571V Time of submitting claim for reimbursement [Effective Jan. 13, 2020].
§ 3571W Electronic medical claims [Effective Jan. 13, 2020].
§ 3571X Medication assisted treatment for drug and alcohol dependencies.