(a) Every individual health insurance policy, contract or certificate that is delivered or issued for delivery in this State by any health insurer, health service corporation or managed care organization which provide for medical or hospital expenses and also provide coverage for other prostheses, shall provide coverage for expenses for a scalp hair prosthesis worn for hair loss suffered as a result of alopecia areata, resulting from an autoimmune disease. Such coverage shall be subject to the same limitations and guidelines as other prostheses, provided that such coverage for alopecia areata shall not exceed $500 per year.
(b) For purposes of this section:
(1) “Prostheses” means artificial appliances used to replace lost natural structures. Prostheses include, but are not limited to, artificial arms, legs, breasts, or glass eyes.
(2) “Scalp hair prosthesis” means an artificial substitute for scalp hair that is made specifically for a specific individual.
(c) Such coverage may be subject to annual deductibles and co-insurance provisions as may be deemed appropriate and as are consistent with those established for other benefits under the plan of coverage. Written notice of the availability of such coverage shall be delivered to the insured, participant, policyholder, subscriber and beneficiary upon enrollment and annually thereafter.
(d) All group and blanket health benefit plans shall provide notice to each insured, participant, policyholder, subscriber and beneficiary under such plan regarding the coverage required by this section in accordance herewith. Such notice shall be in writing and prominently positioned in any literature or correspondence made available or distributed by the plan and shall be transmitted as part of any yearly informational packet sent to the insured, participant, policyholder, subscriber and beneficiary.
76 Del. Laws, c. 314, § 1; 80 Del. Laws, c. 310, § 1.