(a) Personnel. — It shall be the responsibility of the Office to collect and analyze annually data pertaining to certified emergency medical services personnel in Delaware by levels of training in order to identify possible or potential shortages. Once EMS personnel shortages are identified, the Office shall notify the affected agencies and provide recommended courses of action to alleviate the problem or potential problem. In order to accomplish this task, the following agencies shall be required to provide a listing of the appropriate emergency medical services personnel by organization, level of training and county:
(1) Delaware State Fire Prevention Commission or its duly authorized representative;
(2) Wilmington Medical Center School for Emergency Medical Technicians;
(3) Delaware Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons — advanced trauma life support;
(4) American Heart Association of Delaware — cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training programs and advanced cardiac life support;
(5) American Red Cross, Delaware Chapter — CPR training and first-aid training;
(6) Delaware Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians;
(7) Delaware Chapter of the Emergency Department Nurses Association; and
(8) Any other organization not listed above that provides certified emergency medical training, including CPR.
(b) Training. — All organizations providing emergency medical training programs, as listed under the personnel section, shall provide to the Office copies of course curricula and schedules of the availability of training courses. The Office shall monitor EMS training levels to provide information on the availability of training programs for all levels of EMS personnel. In addition, the EMS Office shall keep abreast of all federal training standards to ensure that EMS training agencies in Delaware are aware of regional and national standards. In accordance with § 6711(a)(3) of this title [repealed], the State Fire Prevention Commission shall adopt regulations setting forth the qualifications required for the certification of ambulance attendants. Since advanced life support ambulance personnel are “physicians’ assistants” as defined in subchapter VI of Chapter 17 of Title 24, they must have been trained in programs approved by the Delaware State Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline.
(c) Communications. — The Office shall:
(1) Through the appropriate county dispatch center directors, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the statewide EMS communications system;
(2) Identify resources to improve or augment both the communications system in Delaware and the training of medical dispatchers as needed;
(3) Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of emergency access numbers in terms of the impact on the EMS system.
(d) Transportation. — In conjunction with appropriate EMS providers in Delaware, the Office shall monitor and evaluate emergency medical transportation services in Delaware to ensure that patients in the EMS system have access to effective and efficient transportation to appropriate treatment facilities. Pursuant to § 6709 of this title, all ambulances in Delaware shall be inspected and certified by the Delaware State Fire Prevention Commission or a duly authorized representative thereof. The Delaware State Fire Prevention Commission or its duly authorized representative shall be required to provide to the Office on an annual basis a listing and location of certified ambulances.
(e) Facilities. — The Office shall monitor the availability of the various levels of care of EMS facilities and services and shall have the authority to categorize all Delaware emergency receiving facilities and services in accordance with criteria established by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH) for hospital settings and other appropriate national professional organizations for nonhospital settings. This authority shall also include the responsibility of categorizing and designating by level of care, when appropriate, specialty care facilities in accordance with the established criteria of the American Medical Association or other appropriate national professional organizations. In addition, the Office shall periodically reevaluate the categorization or designation of emergency care facilities and specialty care services.
(f) Specialty care units. — The Office shall identify the categorization of the 7 specialty care areas for EMS which are available to all patients (the specialty care areas are:
(g) Public safety agencies. — Based on the data obtained in the section related to personnel, the Office shall monitor and evaluate the activities of public safety agencies to determine the number of trained first responders and to promote their participation, to the maximum level possible consistent with their capabilities, in emergency medical situations.
(h) Consumer participation. — All agencies and organizations involved in the EMS system in Delaware should seek reasonable consumer participation in planning, development and organizational activities.
(i) Access to care. — The Office shall monitor and evaluate activities of all EMS organizations to ensure that no person is denied emergency treatment or transportation services.
(j) Patient transfer. — The EMS system shall provide for transfer of patients to facilities and programs which offer such follow-up care and rehabilitation as is necessary to effect the maximum recovery of the patient. The transfer of emergency patients from the emergency site to the emergency department, specialty care unit and to follow-up care and rehabilitation centers are all within the scope of a total EMS system.
(k) Coordinated patient recordkeeping. — The Office shall collect and analyze available data from all providers of the EMS system. This data will be used by the Office, in conjunction with the appropriate EMS providers, to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the system. It is necessary that the data be collected from each level of care, which includes the initial entry point through final discharge from the health care delivery system. EMS agency certification will be contingent upon agency participation in the Statewide EMS data collection system maintained by the Office.
(l) Public information, prevention and education. — The Office shall provide programs of public information and education designed to inform residents of Delaware and visitors to the State of the availability of, proper use of and access to emergency medical services. The Office shall also support prevention activities designed to address key categories of illness and injury as identified through data collection. The Office will serve as a clearinghouse for illness and injury prevention activity, and will work to coordinate EMS prevention efforts statewide. These programs shall include elements related to citizen involvement in the administration of prehospital care, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid, and information concerning the availability of training programs in Delaware. In addition, the Office shall monitor public information and education programs offered by other EMS providers in Delaware. All EMS provider agencies shall provide a report on their prevention and education activities conducted during the previous year to the Office by January 15 of each year. The Office shall publish an annual report outlining the status of prevention and public education activities throughout the State by May 15 of each year.
(m) Review and evaluation. — In conjunction with the health planning agencies and the EMS providers in Delaware, the Office shall conduct and/or coordinate an on-going comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of the EMS system, in terms of the impact on the health status of the EMS patients in Delaware.
(n) Disaster planning. — The Office shall:
(o) Mutual aid agreements. — The Director of the Office in conjunction with the Division Director shall be authorized to develop and implement mutual aid agreements as may be necessary to ensure continuity of care. These agreements shall be coordinated through and approved by the appropriate EMS providers. These agreements may relate to reciprocity of services, and treatment, transfer and triage protocols to coordinate the provision of services, both within Delaware and across state lines as necessary.
(p) Semi-automatic external defibrillators. — (1) The Department of Health and Social Services shall promulgate regulations specific to the use of semi-automatic external defibrillators and shall seek input and review from the Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline, the Delaware EMS Oversight Council and the Delaware State Fire Prevention Commission.
(2) The Office shall coordinate a statewide effort to promote and implement widespread use of semi-automatic external defibrillators and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation to increase the number of publicly available SAEDs to 100 by January 1, 2002, and 200 by January 1, 2004. In addition, the Office shall coordinate a statewide effort to provide, train and maintain a minimum of 5 qualified individuals for each publicly available SAED.
(3) All law-enforcement vehicles on patrol shall be equipped with a semi-automatic external defibrillator by January 1, 2001, subject to appropriations.
(q) Emergency Medical Services for Children. — The Office shall provide a program to address the specific emergency medical care of children. This program shall be known as the Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) program.
(1) The EMSC program shall have the power to:
a. Advise EMS medical direction on the development and implementation of statewide protocols that emphasize pediatric emergency care;
b. Support pediatric emergency medical technician and paramedic education and training programs; which shall include training in the emergency care of infants and children;
c. Develop pediatric emergency care standards and a voluntary program to recognize hospitals able to treat and manage pediatric emergencies;
d. Develop programs for parents and communities which shall identify and reduce barriers to emergency care for children;
e. Provide information relating to child-specific health promotion and injury prevention;
f. Focus on recognition of emergencies;
g. Assist in improving access to appropriate use of the local EMS systems;
h. Develop and maintain a Special Needs Alert Program to educate EMS providers, and, on a voluntary basis, identify for EMS providers children with special health care needs in the community; and
i. Analyze pediatric injury/illness data collected through the Office for the purpose of quality management purposes. All quality management proceedings shall be confidential.
(2) There is established the EMSC Advisory Committee. The Committee shall advise the Office on issues concerning EMS care for children, and shall consist of the following representatives:
a. The State EMS Medical Director;
b. The State EMS Director;
c. The Director of Children with Special Health Care Needs of the Division;
d. The Chair of the Delaware State Fire Prevention Commission or another Commissioner selected by the Chair;
e. The Chair of the State Trauma System Committee or another member selected by the Chair;
f. The Chair of School Health Services in the Department of Education or another member selected by the Chair;
g. Advanced Life Support Agency County EMS Chiefs or Directors in Delaware or another member of the Advanced Life Support Agency selected by the Chief or Director;
h. The Commander of the State Police EMS Aviation Section;
i. The President of the Delaware Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians or, at the President’s discretion, a representative of the Chapter;
j. The President of the Delaware Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics or, at the President’s discretion, a representative of the Chapter;
k. The President of the Delaware Healthcare Association or, at the President’s discretion, a representative of the Delaware Healthcare Association;
l. The President of the Delaware Emergency Nurses Association or, at the President’s discretion, a representative of the Emergency Nurses Association who is an emergency nurse licensed and practicing in Delaware;
m. The President of the Delaware Volunteer Firefighter’s Association or, at the President’s discretion, a representative of the Delaware Volunteer Firefighter’s Association;
n. The President of the Delaware EMS Association or, at the President’s discretion, a representative of the Delaware EMS Association;
o. The Chair of Safe Kids Delaware or, at the Chair’s discretion, a member of Safe Kids;
p. The Commander of the Health Care Clinic at the Dover Air Force Base or at the Commander’s discretion a medical care representative from the Dover Air Force Base;
q. A Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician practicing in the State of Delaware; and
r. Three lay parent representatives of children ages 0-19, 1 from each county, appointed by the Director of the Division of Public Health.
63 Del. Laws, c. 383, § 1; 67 Del. Laws, c. 152, § 5; 69 Del. Laws, c. 78, § 1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1; 72 Del. Laws, c. 137, §§ 22, 24, 25; 75 Del. Laws, c. 141, § 3; 77 Del. Laws, c. 319, § 1; 78 Del. Laws, c. 326, § 2.