(a) Records required. — It shall be unlawful for any person wilfully to purchase, possess, receive, sell or distribute explosive materials in the State without keeping records as specified in this section.
(b) Contents of records. — Records of purchases, possession and receipts of explosive materials shall be maintained by the persons purchasing, possessing and receiving the explosive materials and shall include the date of the transaction, the name, address and license or permit number of the person from whom received, the name of the manufacturer and importer (if any), the manufacturer’s marks of identification (if any), and the quantity and description of explosive materials. With respect to explosive materials sold or distributed, the seller or distributor shall record the name, address and license or permit number of the distributee, the date of transaction, the name of the manufacturer and importer (if any), the manufacturer’s marks of identification (if any), and the quantity and description of the explosive materials.
(c) False entry. — It shall be unlawful for any licensee or permittee knowingly to make any false entry in any record which the licensee or permittee is required to keep pursuant to this section or regulations promulgated under § 7107(f) of this title.
(d) Record retention. — Any record required by this chapter or regulations promulgated under its provisions shall be retained by the licensee or permittee for not less than 5 years from the date of the transaction recorded.
16 Del. C. 1953, § 7109; 58 Del. Laws, c. 498, § 1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1.