The Office of Substance Abuse Services, as a component of the Department of Health and Social Services Division of Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Mental Health, shall, subject to the express provisions of other sections under this chapter:
(1) Have the authority to license all facilities to be used exclusively or partially for the treatment of persons in need of treatment upon application and under this chapter. These facilities may be operated as residential or nonresidential facilities. The Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families will be consulted prior to adoption of regulations and standards applicable to facilities serving minors.
(2) Establish procedures whereby persons who are in need of treatment may seek admission to these programs on a voluntary basis and provide a system to accept appropriate referrals from all components of the criminal justice system and provide assistance where necessary for security for such referrals.
(3) Have the authority to contract with other governmental or private agencies for additional diagnostic and treatment facilities or programs. The Office is encouraged to establish these programs on a regional basis with emphasis on prevention and preventive education and broad community involvement.
(4) Except as authorized in § 2211 of this title, provide that no person who voluntarily enters a facility for persons in need of treatment shall be retained in such facilities or programs against the person’s will. Such voluntary admission shall not be used as evidence in any criminal prosecution.
(5) Initiate and maintain programs which will include:
a. Prevention of substance abuse;
b. Residential treatment;
c. Nonresidential treatment; and
d. Follow-up treatment.
73 Del. Laws, c. 358, § 2.