(a) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, any municipality may transfer jurisdiction over, lease, lend, grant, sell or convey to any authority upon the request of such authority, with or without consideration, any facilities or any right or interest therein or any property appertaining thereto or any real property or estate, right or interest therein for use by such authority in connection with the construction, reconstruction, extension, repair, improvement, maintenance or operation of 1 or more projects upon such terms and conditions as the governing body of such municipality shall determine to be for the best interest of such municipality. The State consents to the use of all lands below high watermark owned or controlled by it and to the use of any land between the right-of-way limits of any state highway which are necessary or desirable in connection with the construction, reconstruction, extension, repair, improvement, maintenance or operation of any project; provided, however, that the use of any portion between the right-of-way limits of a state highway shall be subject to the approval of the State Highway Department.
(b) Each municipality may:
(1) Contract with any authority created hereunder for the collection, treatment or disposal of sewage;
(2) Contract with any authority created hereunder for shutting off the supply of water furnished by any water system owned or operated by such municipality or under its jurisdiction or control to any premises connected with any sewerage system of the authority in the event that the owner, tenant or occupant of such premises shall fail to pay any rates, fees or charges for the use of or for the services furnished by such sewerage system within the time or times specified in such contract;
(3) Contract with any authority with respect to any and all matters and things concerning which such authority is authorized to contract with such municipality under this chapter;
(4) Loan to any newly created authority money for the purpose of providing funds to pay the organization and preliminary expenses of such authority on condition that such moneys shall be repaid out of the proceeds of the first issue of such authority.
16 Del. C. 1953, § 1419; 49 Del. Laws, c. 417.