As used in this chapter:
(1) “Authority” means a body politic and corporate created pursuant to this chapter or, if such body politic and corporate shall be abolished, the board, body or commission succeeding to the principal functions thereof or to which the powers given by this chapter to such body politic and corporate shall be given by law.
(2) “Board” means the governing body of an authority.
(3) “Bonds” means and includes notes, bonds and other evidences of indebtedness or obligations which each authority is authorized to issue pursuant to § 1408 of this title.
(4) “Cost” as applied to a water system or a sewerage system includes the purchase price of any such system or the cost of acquiring all of the capital stock of the corporation owning such system and the amount to be paid to discharge all of its obligations in order to vest title to the system or any part thereof in the authority, the cost of improvements, the cost of all lands, properties, rights, easements, franchises and permits acquired, the cost of all machinery and equipment, financing charges, interest prior to and during construction and for 1 year after completion of construction, cost of engineering and legal services, plans, specifications, surveys, estimates of cost and of revenues, other expenses necessary or incident to the determining of the feasibility or practicability of any such acquisition, improvement or construction, administrative expenses and such other expenses as may be necessary or incident to the financing herein authorized, to the acquisition, improvement, construction of a water system or a sewerage system and the placing of the same in operation by the authority prior to the issuance of revenue bonds under this chapter for engineering studies and for estimates of cost and of revenues and for other technical or professional services which may be utilized in the acquisition, improvement or construction of such system, may be regarded as a part of the cost of such system.
(5) “Federal agency” means and includes the United States of America, any department or bureau thereof, and any agency or instrumentality of the United States of America heretofore established or which may be established or created hereafter.
(6) “Governing body” as applied to any municipality means the body or board authorized by law to enact ordinances or adopt resolutions for the particular municipality.
(7) “Improvements” means such construction, erection, repairs, replacements, additions, extensions and betterments of and to a water system or a sewerage system as are deemed necessary by the authority to place or to maintain such system in proper condition for the safe, efficient and economic operation thereof or to meet requirements for service in areas which may be served by the authority and in which no existing service is being rendered.
(8) “Municipality” means any county, city, town, village, sanitary district or other political subdivision of this State.
(9) “Project” means any water system, sewer system and any combination or part or parts thereof owned, constructed or operated by an authority under this chapter.
(10) “Sewage” means the water carried wastes created in and carried or to be carried away from residences, hotels, schools, hospitals, industrial establishments, commercial establishments or any other private or public building together with such household and industrial wastes as may be present.
(11) “Sewerage system” means and includes all plants, systems, facilities or properties used or useful or having the present capacity for future use in connection with the collection, carrying away, treating, neutralizing, stabilizing or disposal of sewage, industrial wastes or other wastes, and any integral part thereof, including sewage treatment plants, disposal fields, lagoons, pumping stations, drainage ditches, surface water intercepting ditches, outfall sewers, trunk sewers, intercepting sewers, lateral sewers, force mains, pipes, pipelines, conduits, equipment, appurtenances and all properties, rights, easements and franchises relating thereto and deemed necessary or convenient by the authority for the operation thereof.
(12) “Water system” means and includes all plants, systems, facilities or properties used or useful or having the present capacity for future use in connection with the supply or distribution of water, and any integral part thereof, including water supply systems, water distribution systems, reservoirs, dams, wells, intakes, mains, laterals, pumping stations, standpipes, filtration plants, purification plants, hydrants, meters, valves and equipment, appurtenances and all properties, rights, easements and franchises relating thereto and deemed necessary or convenient by the authority for the operation thereof.
16 Del. C. 1953, § 1401; 49 Del. Laws, c. 417.