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Title 14 - Education
Chapter 34. Financial Assistance for Higher Edu...
Chapter 34. Financial Assistance for Higher Education
Subchapter I Delaware Higher Education Office Student Assistance Programs
Subchapter II Scholarship Incentive Program
Subchapter III Professional Incentive Programs
Subchapter IV Merit-Based Scholarship Programs
Subchapter V Memorial Scholarships
Subchapter VI Educational Benefits for Children of Deceased Veterans and Others
Subchapter VII Other Financial Assistance Programs
Subchapter VIII Legislative Essay Scholarship
Subchapter IX Education Endowment Fund
Subchapter X Higher Education for Senior Citizens
Subchapter XI Delaware National Guard Educational Benefits
Subchapter XII Delaware College Investment Plan
Subchapter XIII Participation in National and Regional Higher Education Organizations
Subchapter XIV The Delaware Student Excellence Equals Degree Act
Subchapter XV The Delaware State Inspire Scholarship Act
Subchapter XVI The Delaware Advance Scholarship Act