(a) Reorganized school districts and charter schools authorized pursuant to Chapter 5 of this title are authorized to enter into satellite school agreements pursuant to this section. For purposes of this section, a “satellite school” is defined as a public school that operates in physical facilities leased from, donated by or located on property that is owned or leased by a private sector or governmental employer which is not the school district or charter school operating the satellite school.
(b) The Department of Education shall promulgate rules and regulations for the approval of satellite school agreements. Such rules and regulations shall ensure that the physical facilities in which satellite schools operate are sufficient to protect the health and safety of the students who attend such schools, but shall not require that those physical facilities meet the same requirements established by the Department pursuant to § 2002 of this title for schools constructed and owned by reorganized districts. The State Risk Manager shall provide assistance to the Department in establishing regulations governing the respective obligations of the school district or the charter school operating the satellite school and the employer or employers providing the physical facility for the operation of the satellite school for any liabilities that may be incurred pursuant to a separate provision of this Code or other provision of law. Satellite schools and their employees shall have the same immunities from liability as other public schools and their employees.
(c) Reorganized districts shall establish procedures for admissions to non-charter school satellite schools consistent with those established by Chapter 4 of this title and charter schools shall establish procedures for admissions to satellite schools consistent with those established by Chapter 5 of this title; provided however, that preference in admissions to satellite schools may also be given to students whose parents are residents of the State and who work at the worksite at which the satellite facility is located so long as such preference is made equally available to such students without regard to the jobs their parents hold at the worksite or without regard to whether the students“ parents work for the employer who controls the worksite or a contractor of such employer. Such preference may also be extended to students whose parents work at a physical facility located within a 1-mile radius of the satellite school for an employer or the contractor of any employer, which is a party to a satellite school agreement with a reorganized district and which provides assistance pursuant to such agreement in the provision of the physical facility for the operation of the satellite school.
70 Del. Laws, c. 366, § 1; 71 Del. Laws, c. 180, § 123.