Every justice of the peace shall make a fair entry, in a judgment docket, of every action commenced before him or her, therein setting down the names of the parties, the cause of action, the sum demanded, the day of issuing process and when it is returnable, the return, and in case of a “forthwith” summons the day of the return, every adjournment and the day to which the trial is adjourned, any setoff pleaded and the amount thereof, the names of the referees if any are appointed, the sum of the referees’ report and for which party, the amount of the judgment and for which party, the costs regularly taxed, entries of bail, or of security, and the issuing of any execution, and the date thereof.
Code 1852, § 2124; Code 1915, § 4028; Code 1935, § 4514; 10 Del. C. 1953, § 9570; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1.