(a) A constable, or other officer, receiving an execution, shall, in a docket, set down the date of receiving it; and when several executions are delivered on the same day, the docket shall show the order in which they are received. The constable or other officer shall also endorse upon an execution, immediately on receiving it, the precise time the officer received delivery of the execution.
(b) The officer to whom an execution issued by a Justice of the Peace Court is delivered shall duly return it with a certificate of all the officer’s proceedings, and a statement of the officer’s fees, giving the items.
(c) If no levy is made, the reason shall be given.
(d) If the levy has been made, an inventory shall be returned, and shall state as whose property the goods and chattels were seized in execution.
(e) In case of a sale the list of the goods and chattels sold, with the amount thereof, shall be returned.
Code 1852, § 2128; 14 Del. Laws, c. 85; Code 1915, § 4029; Code 1935, § 4515; 10 Del. C. 1953, § 9563; 70 Del. Laws, c. 232, § 11; 82 Del. Laws, c. 204, § 7.