The Revisors shall, after consultation with the Legislative Council, upon such specifications and conditions as they shall determine, duly and sufficiently advertise for bids for the compilation, revision, annotation, printing and binding of the Code supplements and the revised or recompiled Delaware Code, along with the Rules and Rules supplements, and shall award a contract for such work to the lowest and best legal publisher of recognized standing as such. The contract for Code supplements may, in the discretion of the Revisors, cover the Code supplements for 1 or more of the sessions of the General Assembly.
1 Del. C. 1953, § 212; 49 Del. Laws, c. 347; 52 Del. Laws, c. 220; 58 Del. Laws, c. 253, §§ 4, 5; 58 Del. Laws, c. 581, § 4; 79 Del. Laws, c. 387, § 2.