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Title 50a - International Law
Chapter 861 - Uniform Foreign Money-Judgments R...
Chapter 861 - Uniform Foreign Money-Judgments Recognition Act
Section 50a-30 - (Formerly Sec. 52-610). Short title: Uniform Foreign Money-Judgments Recognition Act.
Section 50a-31 - (Formerly Sec. 52-611). Definitions.
Section 50a-32 - (Formerly Sec. 52-612). Applicability.
Section 50a-33 - (Formerly Sec. 52-613). Recognition and enforcement.
Section 50a-34 - (Formerly Sec. 52-614). Grounds for nonrecognition.
Section 50a-35 - (Formerly Sec. 52-615). Personal jurisdiction.
Section 50a-36 - (Formerly Sec. 52-616). Stay of enforcement.
Section 50a-37 - (Formerly Sec. 52-617.) Savings clause.
Section 50a-38 - (Formerly Sec. 52-618). Uniform interpretation.