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U.S. State Codes
Title 2 - General Assembly ...
Chapter 16 - General Assembly
Chapter 16 - General Assembly
Section 2-1 - Regular sessions; organization.
Section 2-1a - Adoption of rules and regulations.
Section 2-1b - Unlawful interference with the General Assembly; injunctive relief.
Section 2-1c - Contempt of the General Assembly; penalty.
Section 2-1d - Interference with the General Assembly; misdemeanor.
Section 2-1e - Interference with the legislative process; firearms; dangerous or deadly weapons; explosives; felony.
Section 2-1f - Office of State Capitol Police.
Section 2-1g - Indemnification of legislative personnel.
Section 2-1h - Compensatory time for permanent full-time employees.
Section 2-1i - Compensatory time for permanent full-time employees.
Section 2-2 - Election by illegal practices.
Section 2-3 - Allowance to contestants.
Section 2-3a - Employer not to discriminate against candidate for, member-elect of or member of the General Assembly. Employee permitted choice of shifts.
Section 2-3b - Members not eligible for unemployment compensation during regular session.
Section 2-4 - Joint convention to elect state officers.
Section 2-5 - Holding of office by members of the General Assembly.
Section 2-6 - Convening of sessions by action of members.
Section 2-7 - Notice of special and reconvened sessions.
Section 2-8 - Salary and expenses of members and officers of the General Assembly.
Section 2-8a - Compensation for interim committees and study commissions.
Section 2-8b to 2-8p - General Assembly pension system.
Section 2-8q - General Assembly Pension Fund abolished. Moneys transferred to State Employees Retirement Fund.
Section 2-8r - Options of General Assembly members and former members re participation in state employees retirement system.
Section 2-9 - Salary and transportation allowance for General Assembly officers and employees.
Section 2-9a - Compensation Commission for elected state officers and General Assembly members.
Section 2-9b - Compensation increases to be approved by Federal Pay Board.
Section 2-10 - Clerks' office; assistants; records; duties.
Section 2-11 - Stenographers for General Assembly committees.
Section 2-12 - Bonus to employees of General Assembly prohibited. Overtime and meritorious service payments permitted.
Section 2-12a - Temporary legislative employees, reduction of salary for absence.
Section 2-13 - Records of legislative proceedings. Legislative record index.
Section 2-14 - Initiation of local legislation in General Assembly.
Section 2-14a - Legislation affecting municipal retirement systems.
Section 2-15 - Transportation allowance for General Assembly members and members-elect.
Section 2-15a - Annual informational mailing by General Assembly members.
Section 2-15b - Transportation allowance for member of task force prohibited.
Section 2-16 - Members as attorneys before the General Assembly.
Section 2-16a - Restriction on former members becoming lobbyists.
Section 2-17 - Presession introduction of bills.
Section 2-18 - Form of bills amending statutes and resolutions amending Constitution; ballot designation of proposed constitutional amendments.
Section 2-19 - Preliminary printing and franchise fees for special charters. Engrossing fees.
Section 2-20 - Certain charters granted only on petition.
Section 2-20a - Bills seeking incorporation and franchise for water companies.
Section 2-21 - Notice of claims against the state.
Section 2-22 - Numbering of bills and joint resolutions.
Section 2-23 - Copies of bills, resolutions, calendars, journals and other legislative publications. Furnishing of publications to public and municipalities.
Section 2-23a - Alkaline paper for legislative documents.
Section 2-24 - Style of printing bills; endorsements; file number; fiscal note; ratepayer impact statement.
Section 2-24a - Fiscal note and ratepayer impact statement required for action upon bill.
Section 2-24b - Racial and ethnic impact statement required for certain bills and amendments.
Section 2-25 - Printing to be done at one establishment.
Section 2-26 - Printing and electronic availability of bills prior to passage.
Section 2-27 - Printing and distribution of file bills.
Section 2-27a - Fiscal review of bills.
Section 2-27b - Review of bond acts.
Section 2-28 - Time limit on favorable reports of bills. Submission to Legislative Commissioners' Office. Action upon bills not in the files.
Section 2-29 - Engrossing of bills and amendments; correction of errors after passage. Presentation to the Governor.
Section 2-30 - Engrossing bills after adjournment. Vetoed bills.
Section 2-30a - Explanatory texts concerning proposed constitutional amendments; preparation, approval, printing, distribution, posting at polls.
Section 2-30b - Construction of multiple amendments.
Section 2-31 - Numbering of public and special acts.
Section 2-32 - Effective date of public and special acts.
Section 2-32a - Effective date of public acts imposing state mandate.
Section 2-32b - State mandates to local governments. Definitions. Cost estimate required. Procedures re bills creating or enlarging mandates.
Section 2-32c - Submission to General Assembly of list of state mandates.
Section 2-33 - Specific appropriations. Recurring appropriations.
Section 2-33a - Limitation on expenditures authorized by General Assembly. Base year adjustment for certain expenditures.
Section 2-33b - Performance-informed budget review.
Section 2-33c - Limitation of General Fund and Special Transportation Fund appropriations.
Section 2-34 - Title of appropriation bills.
Section 2-35 - Requirements for appropriation bills and acts. Requirements for revenue estimates. State budget act to specify budgeted reductions by branch of government.
Section 2-35a - Government organization and reorganization.
Section 2-35b - Legislative involvement in Job Training Partnership Act. Recommendations. Reports from Governor.
Section 2-35c - Funds appropriated to Judicial Department for specified purposes included in current expense account.
Section 2-36 - Deficiency bills.
Section 2-36a - Legislative committee to meet re potential deficiency in state agency appropriated account.
Section 2-36b - Legislative committees to meet with Secretary of Office of Policy and Management re report on various state revenue and expenditure issues. Report on nonappropriated moneys held by budgeted state agencies.
Section 2-36c - Consensus revenue estimates.
Section 2-37 - Contingent expenses of General Assembly.
Section 2-38 - Bill re person's service as teacher or public employee.
Section 2-39 - Time within which Senate shall act on nominations.
Section 2-40 - Nomination of judges. Action by the judiciary committee.
Section 2-40a - Disclosure of performance evaluations of judges and judge trial referees.
Section 2-41 - Nomination of judges of municipal courts.
Section 2-42 - Appointment of judges.
Section 2-43 - When further nomination required.
Section 2-44 - Withdrawal of nomination by Governor.
Section 2-44a - Notice of appointments by president pro tempore, speaker or minority leaders. Vacancies; notice by chairman.
Section 2-45 - Legislative appearances.
Section 2-46 - Investigations by the General Assembly; powers; procedure. Witness’ rights.
Section 2-46a - Investigations and inquiries pursuant to Article Ninth of the Constitution commenced after January 1, 2004. Disclosure of information obtained during investigation or inquiry.
Section 2-47 - Witness not privileged.
Section 2-48 - Prosecution of witness.
Section 2-49 - Preparation, printing and distribution of assembly journals.
Section 2-50 - Legislative identification plates.
Section 2-50a - Motor vehicle number plates for legislators.
Section 2-51 - Admittance to floor of House and Senate.
Section 2-52 - Display of United States and state flags at sessions of the General Assembly.
Section 2-53 - Faith and credit of acts passed by General Assembly.
Section 2-53a to 2-53c - Legislative Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities.
Section 2-53d to 2-53j - to 2-53j. “Program review” and “investigation” defined. Legislative Program Review and Investigations Committee. Meetings of committee. Duties; confidentiality of information. Corrective action by agency officials; report to General Assembly. Studies by committee. Reports.
Section 2-53k - Energy management program compliance review; report and recommendations.
Section 2-53l - Electronic databases showing state expenditures.
Section 2-53m - Annual report card on policies and programs affecting children.
Section 2-53n - Quarterly report on overtime granted by state agencies.