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U.S. State Codes
Title 19a - Public Health a...
Chapter 368z - Health Systems Planning Unit
Chapter 368z - Health Systems Planning Unit
Section 19a-610 - Short title: Office of Health Care Access Act.
Section 19a-611 - Definitions.
Section 19a-612 - Health Systems Planning Unit within Office of Health Strategy.
Section 19a-612a - Office within Department of Public Health for administrative purposes only.
Section 19a-612b - Office of Health Care Access to be successor agency to the Commission on Hospitals and Health Care.
Section 19a-612c - Term “Commission on Hospitals and Health Care” deemed to mean “Office of Health Care Access”.
Section 19a-612d - Health Systems Planning Unit overseen by executive director of the Office of Health Strategy.
Section 19a-613 - Powers and duties. Data collection.
Section 19a-614 - Support staff and consultants.
Section 19a-615 - Health Care Reform Review Board. Reports.
Section 19a-616 - Connecticut Health Care Data Institute. Regulations.
Section 19a-617 - Advisory board.
Section 19a-617a - Demonstration project converting acute care hospital to provider of other medical services. Certificate of need waiver, property tax abatement.
Section 19a-617b - Demonstration project for long-term acute care hospitals or satellite facilities. Waiver of licensure requirements. Certificate of need. Report.
Section 19a-617c - Payments for services provided in long-term acute care hospitals or satellite facilities.
Section 19a-618 to 19a-622 - Definitions. Collection; methodology; reporting requirements. Fee schedule; reports, analyses and studies. Confidentiality of data. Filing of data with institute.
Section 19a-630 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-145). Definitions.
Section 19a-630a - Affiliate deemed controlled by another person.
Section 19a-631 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-148a). Assessments of hospitals for expenses of the unit.
Section 19a-632 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-148b). Calculation of assessment and costs.
Section 19a-632a - Payment of assessment by electronic funds transfer.
Section 19a-633 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-149). Investigative powers.
Section 19a-634 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-150). State-wide health care facility utilization study. State-wide health care facilities and services plan. Inventory of health care facilities, equipment and services.
Section 19a-635 and 19a-636 - (Formerly Secs. 19a-151 and 19a-152). Rate-setting powers. Requests for approval of lesser increases.
Section 19a-637 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-153). Office to promote effective health planning in the state.
Section 19a-637a - Short-term acute care general or children's hospitals to submit budgets for next hospital fiscal year.
Section 19a-638 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-154). Certificate of need. When required and not required. Request for unit determination. Policies, procedures and regulations.
Section 19a-639 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-155). Certificate of need guidelines and principles. Application involving transfer of ownership of a hospital; denial; conditions on approval; hiring of post-transfer compliance reporter.
Section 19a-639a - Certificate of need application process. Issuance of decision. Public hearings. Policies, procedures and regulations.
Section 19a-639b - Certificate of need. Validity, extension, revocation and nontransferability. Policies, procedures and regulations.
Section 19a-639c - Proposed relocation of a health care facility. Policies, procedures and regulations.
Section 19a-639d - Certificate of need. Waiver for year 2000 computer capability.
Section 19a-639e - Proposed termination of service by a health care facility. Policies, procedures and regulations.
Section 19a-639f - Certificate of need involving hospital ownership. Cost and market impact review.
Section 19a-640 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-156). Submission and review of proposed budget. Hearing. Guidelines. Revisions.
Section 19a-641 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-158). Appeals.
Section 19a-642 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-159). Judicial enforcement.
Section 19a-643 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-160). Regulations.
Section 19a-644 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-161). Annual reports of short-term acute care general or children's hospitals. Regulations on affiliation or control of health care facilities and institutions. Required reporting of audited financial statements.
Section 19a-645 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-162). Taking of land to enlarge hospitals.
Section 19a-646 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-166). Negotiation of discounts and different rates and methods of payments with hospitals. Filing with the unit.
Section 19a-647 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-166b). Preferred provider network. Definitions. Filing requirements.
Section 19a-648 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-167e). Performance or billing by affiliates after the base year. Adjustments. Civil penalty.
Section 19a-649 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-167f). Uncompensated care. Annual submission of information.
Section 19a-650 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-167g). Regulations.
Section 19a-651 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-167h). Data requirement. Rate order compliance. Adjustment.
Section 19a-652 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-167i). Termination of prospective payment system. Savings clause.
Section 19a-653 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-167j). Failure to file data or information. Civil penalty. Notice. Extension. Hearing. Appeal. Deduction from Medicaid payments.
Section 19a-654 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-167k). Data submission requirements. Memorandum of understanding. Regulations.
Section 19a-655 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-167l). Hospital budget calculations for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1993.
Section 19a-656 to 19a-658 - (Formerly Secs. 19a-167m to 19a-167o). Compliance assessment calculation for fiscal year commencing October 1, 1991, to be applied in fiscal year commencing fiscal year October 1, 1993. Request for adjustment to authorized net and gross revenue and authorized equivalent discharges for fiscal year commencing October 1, 1993; limitations; filings. Pricemaster adjustment; request procedure; limitations; data requirement; report.
Section 19a-659 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-170). Definitions.
Section 19a-660 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-168g). Adjustments to orders.
Section 19a-661 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-168i). Penalty.
Section 19a-662 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-168j). Cost reduction plan requirement. Regulations.
Section 19a-663 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-168p). Bond authorization.
Section 19a-664 and 19a-665 - (Formerly Secs. 19a-168s and 19a-168t). Assessment factor for the uncompensated care pool adjustments for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1993. Authorized governmental shortfall calculation for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1993.
Section 19a-666 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-168u). Uncompensated care pool expenditures.
Section 19a-667 and 19a-668 - (Formerly Secs. 19a-168v and 19a-168w). Uncompensated care pool termination; final settlement. Assistance for termination of uncompensated care pool.
Section 19a-669 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-169). Determination and information re disproportionate share payments and emergency assistance to families.
Section 19a-670 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-169a). Unit to report on review and financial stability of hospitals.
Section 19a-670a - Application for federal approval by the Department of Social Services.
Section 19a-670b - Construction with respect to children's general hospitals.
Section 19a-671 and 19a-671a - Calculation and determination of payments. Adjustment of overpayments for disproportionate share-medical emergency assistance by reducing Medicaid payments.
Section 19a-671b - Provisions for waiver of certain penalties and interest assessed pertaining to liability for taxes owed under chapter 211a or 219.
Section 19a-672 and 19a-672a - Use of medical assistance disproportionate share-emergency assistance account funds. Payments when short-term general hospital changes ownership during fiscal year.
Section 19a-673 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-169e). Collections by hospitals from uninsured patients.
Section 19a-673a - Regulations re uniform debt collection standards for hospitals.
Section 19a-673b - Initiation of debt collection activities.
Section 19a-673c - Debt collection report.
Section 19a-673d - Cessation of collection efforts upon debtor's eligibility for bed funds or other services.
Section 19a-674 and 19a-675 - (Formerly Secs. 19a-170a and 19a-170b). Net revenue limit. Filings for partial or detailed budget review; hearings.
Section 19a-676 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-170c). Compliance with authorized revenue limits.
Section 19a-676a - Termination of net revenue compliance payments.
Section 19a-677 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-170d). Computation of relative cost of hospitals.
Section 19a-678 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-170e). Inflation factor.
Section 19a-679 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-170f). Computation of equivalent discharges. Inpatient and outpatient gross revenues and units of service.
Section 19a-680 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-170g). Net revenue limit interim adjustment.
Section 19a-681 - Definitions. Filing of current pricemaster. Charges to be in accordance with detailed schedule of charges on file. Penalty.
Section 19a-682 - Additional billing for services rendered from November 1, 1994, through June 1, 1995.
Section 19a-683 - Reconciliation account.