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U.S. State Codes
Title 17b - Social Services
Chapter 319y - Long-Term Care
Chapter 319y - Long-Term Care
Section 17b-337 - Long-Term Care Planning Committee. Long-term care plan.
Section 17b-338 - Long-Term Care Advisory Council. Membership. Duties.
Section 17b-339 - Nursing Home Financial Advisory Committee. Duties. Membership. Reports. Annual meeting.
Section 17b-340 - (Formerly Sec. 17-314). Rates of payment to nursing homes, chronic disease hospitals associated with chronic and convalescent homes, rest homes with nursing supervision, residential care homes and residential facilities for persons with intellectual disability.
Section 17b-340a - Determination of resident day user fee in an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Penalty. Delegation of authority to Commissioner of Social Services.
Section 17b-340b - Intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities. User fee.
Section 17b-340c - Advance payments to nursing facilities. Recovery of payments. Execution of security agreements by commissioner.
Section 17b-340d - Acuity-based methodology for Medicaid reimbursement of nursing home services. Regulations.
Section 17b-341 - (Formerly Sec. 17-314a). Self-pay rates regulated. Provider agreement. Rate adjustments. Appeals.
Section 17b-342 - (Formerly Sec. 17-314b). Connecticut home-care program for the elderly.
Section 17b-342a - Pilot program to provide personal care assistance under the home-care program for the elderly.
Section 17b-342b - Waiver application re pilot program to provide personal care assistance under the home-care program for the elderly.
Section 17b-343 - (Formerly Sec. 17-314c). Rates of payment for home care services, transportation and mental health counseling.
Section 17b-343a - Payment of claims for home health services provided under Medicare and Medicaid. Liability. Sanctions.
Section 17b-344 and 17b-345 - (Formerly Secs. 17-314d and 17b-314e). Rates of payment to facilities for room, board and services. Self-pay rates in licensed chronic and convalescent nursing homes and rest homes with nursing supervision based on certain cost years.
Section 17b-346 - (Formerly Sec. 17-314f). Chronic and convalescent nursing facility: Title XIX Medicaid program participant. Provider agreement.
Section 17b-347 - (Formerly Sec. 17-314g). Termination of Medicaid provider agreements by nursing home facilities. Rates to be charged self-pay patients.
Section 17b-347e - Demonstration project for provision of subsidized assisted living services for persons residing in affordable housing. Memorandum of understanding.
Section 17b-348 - (Formerly Sec. 17-314h). Demonstration project: Skilled and intermediate nursing home care for persons with AIDS. Rate. Regulations.
Section 17b-349 - (Formerly Sec. 17-314i). Adjustment of rates of payment to community health centers and freestanding medical clinics participating in Medicaid program.
Section 17b-349e - Respite care services for caretakers of Alzheimer’s patients. Definitions. Requirements. Regulations.
Section 17b-350 - (Formerly Sec. 17-314n). Demonstration program for respite care in nursing homes for self-pay patients.
Section 17b-351 - (Formerly Sec. 19a-155a). Nursing homes. Increased bed capacity. Capital construction project.
Section 17b-352 - Certificate of need for nursing home facilities; transfer of ownership or control; introduction of additional function or service; relocation of facility beds; termination or decrease of service. Notice to Office of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman. Notice and public hearing requirements. Regulations.
Section 17b-353 - Certificate of need; capital expenditures, application request requirements. Hearings. Exceptions to hearing requirements. Regulations.
Section 17b-354 - Moratorium on requests for additional nursing home beds. Exceptions. Continuing care facility. Medicaid nursing facility bed relocation. Construction. Financing. Regulations.
Section 17b-354a - Judicial enforcement.
Section 17b-354b and 17b-354c - and 17b-354c. Relocation of Medicaid certified nursing home beds. Conversion intermediate care facility beds to nursing home beds. Regulations.
Section 17b-355 - Certificate of need for capital expenditures; transfer of ownership or control; criteria.
Section 17b-356 - Health care facility proposing to expand services by adding nursing home beds. Procedures.
Section 17b-357 - (Formerly Sec. 17-134v). Nursing facility: Compliance with federal law. Summary order. Temporary manager. Remedies. Regulations. Penalties. Hearing.
Section 17b-358 - (Formerly Sec. 17-134w). Temporary manager: Powers and duties. Regulations. Certification.
Section 17b-359 - (Formerly Sec. 17-134x). Nursing facility: Preadmission screening process in the case of mentally ill persons. Annual resident review. Appeal.
Section 17b-360 - (Formerly Sec. 17-134y). Nursing facility: Preadmission screening process in the case of persons with intellectual disability or condition related thereto. Appeal.
Section 17b-361 - (Formerly Sec. 17-134hh). Payment for physicians' visits to Medicaid patients in nursing homes.
Section 17b-362 - (Formerly Sec. 17-134ii). Ten-day limit on first time maintenance drug prescription for Medicaid or ConnPACE recipient. Five-day supply of prescription drug may be requested for Medicaid patient.
Section 17b-362a - Pharmacy review panel established.
Section 17b-363 - Demonstration program for exploring methods of returning and dispensing prescription drugs which have been dispensed in long-term care facilities.
Section 17b-363a - Return of unused prescription drugs dispensed in long-term care facilities to vendor pharmacies. Requirements. Regulations. Fines. Annual list of drugs in program.
Section 17b-363b - Reimbursement for pharmacy services for long-term care facilities.
Section 17b-364 - Demonstration program for providing specialized long-term care. Requests for proposals.
Section 17b-365 - Assisted living services pilot program. Medicaid waiver program.
Section 17b-366 - Assisted living services pilot program. State-funded program.
Section 17b-367 - Information on long-term care options. Web site.
Section 17b-367a - Transferred
Section 17b-368 - Pilot project for diagnosis, care and treatment of persons with chronic or geriatric mental conditions.
Section 17b-369 - Money Follows the Person demonstration project. Reports. Strategic plan to rebalance Medicaid long-term care supports and services. Data collection system. Notice if resident is likely to become eligible for Medicaid. Waivers.
Section 17b-370 - Demonstration project to provide home and community-based long-term care services. Development of plan. Implementation.
Section 17b-371 - Long-Term Care Reinvestment account. Report.
Section 17b-372 - Small house nursing homes pilot program.
Section 17b-372a - Nursing home for persons transitioning from correctional facility or receiving services from Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.