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U.S. State Codes
Title 17b - Social Services
Chapter 319s - Financial Assistance
Chapter 319s - Financial Assistance
Section 17b-75 - (Formerly Sec. 17-82). Definitions.
Section 17b-76 - (Formerly Sec. 17-82a). Commissioner to furnish forms and maintain records and accounts.
Section 17b-77 - (Formerly Sec. 17-82b). Application for aid. Notice of liability for repayment.
Section 17b-78 - Transferred
Section 17b-79 - (Formerly Sec. 17-82c). Eligibility of person having interest in real property. Lien of state.
Section 17b-80 - (Formerly Sec. 17-82d). Investigations. Grant of aid. Income disregard for students. Asset limits.
Section 17b-81 - (Formerly Sec. 17-82e). Investigations of legally liable relatives by commissioner.
Section 17b-82 - “Rated housing facility” defined.
Section 17b-83 - (Formerly Sec. 17-82g). Form of aid. Direct payment for certain services. Payment of clean claims.
Section 17b-84 - (Formerly Sec. 17-82i). Funeral and burial allowance for state supplement or temporary family assistance program beneficiaries. Reductions. Disclosure of information regarding liquid assets.
Section 17b-85 - (Formerly Sec. 17-82j). Notice by beneficiary of receipt of property, transfer or encumbrance of property or change in information previously furnished. Exception for participants in supplemental assistance nutrition program.
Section 17b-86 - (Formerly Sec. 17-82k). Aid inalienable.
Section 17b-87 - (Formerly Sec. 17-82l). Discontinuance of aid after removal from state.
Section 17b-88 - (Formerly Sec. 17-82m). Overpayments. Recoupment. Administrative disqualification hearings.
Section 17b-88a - Recoveries or overpayments under AFDC program, account for payment of.
Section 17b-89 - (Formerly Sec. 17-82n). Change in level of assistance payments authorized.
Section 17b-90 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83). Disclosure of information concerning program applicants and participants. Limitations. Regulations.
Section 17b-91 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83a). Eligibility exclusions. State supplement program. Temporary family assistance program.
Section 17b-92 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83c). Relocation adjustment payments and reimbursements for moving and relocation expenses not considered income, earnings, assets or rent.
Section 17b-93 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83e). Claim of state for repayment of aid. Exceptions. Regulations.
Section 17b-94 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83f). State's claim against proceeds of cause of action. Assignment of interest in estate to the state.
Section 17b-95 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83g). State's claim on death of beneficiary or parent of beneficiary. Sums due pursuant to an annuity contract.
Section 17b-96 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83h). Collection of state's claim. Disposition of recoveries.
Section 17b-97 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83i). Fraud in obtaining aid or food stamp or supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits or in receiving payment. Penalties. Unlawful award of public assistance benefits.
Section 17b-98 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83j). Cost of aid and administration.
Section 17b-99 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83k). Vendor fraud penalties. Distribution of medical assistance program rules. Regulations. Audits of service providers. Appeal.
Section 17b-99a - Audits of long-term care facilities.
Section 17b-99b - Joint report re Medicaid fraud prevention and overpayment recovery.
Section 17b-99c - Audit protocols and procedures. Reports by commissioner.
Section 17b-100 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83l). Fraudulent conveyance for purpose of obtaining assistance. Civil action by commissioner.
Section 17b-101 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83m). State's right of subrogation to right of applicant or recipient of assistance re transfer of property. Civil action by commissioner.
Section 17b-102 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83n). Regulations providing a financial incentive for reporting vendor fraud.
Section 17b-103 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83p). Refunds by vendors to persons eligible for medical assistance. Penalty.
Section 17b-104 - (Formerly Sec. 17-2). State supplementation to the Supplemental Security Income Program. Payment standards.
Section 17b-105 - (Formerly Sec. 17-2d). Authority to furnish transportation out of state for recipients of aid.
Section 17b-105a - Supplemental nutrition assistance program. Authority of commissioner to seek waiver and implement federal options.
Section 17b-105b - Supplemental nutrition assistance benefit extensions.
Section 17b-105c - Supplemental nutrition assistance program. Authority of commissioner to implement policy.
Section 17b-105d - Supplemental nutrition assistance program. Outreach.
Section 17b-105e - Definitions.
Section 17b-105f - Supplemental nutrition assistance employment and training program.
Section 17b-105g - Selection of supplemental nutrition assistance employment and training community collaboratives to receive federal matching funds. Establishment and composition of collaborative. Use of funds.
Section 17b-105h - Use and distribution of supplemental nutrition assistance employment and training federal matching funds.
Section 17b-105i - Report re supplemental nutrition assistance employment and training federal matching funds.
Section 17b-106 - (Formerly Sec. 17-12f). State supplement to Supplemental Security Income Program. Adult payment standards. State supplement payments for certain residents in long-term care facilities.
Section 17b-106a - Adult payment standards for state supplement to Supplemental Security Income program. Personal needs allowance. Increase.
Section 17b-107 - (Formerly Sec. 17-12g). Emergency assistance program: Administration, eligibility, regulations.
Section 17b-108 - (Formerly Sec. 17-12k). Cross-matching of recipients' records.
Section 17b-109 - (Formerly Sec. 17-12m). Photo identification cards.
Section 17b-110 - (Formerly Sec. 17-12o). Special need payment program. Eligibility. Regulations.
Section 17b-111 - Transferred
Section 17b-111a - State-wide data bank of general assistance recipients.
Section 17b-111b - Regulations re general assistance.
Section 17b-112 - Temporary family assistance program.
Section 17b-112a - Definitions. Notification of referrals to applicants and recipients of temporary family assistance who are victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence training program. Regulations.
Section 17b-112b - Exemptions and extensions for applicants and recipients of temporary family assistance who are victims of domestic violence. Standards and procedures. Regulations.
Section 17b-112c - Alien eligibility for temporary family assistance or state-administered general assistance.
Section 17b-112d - Eligibility for temporary assistance for needy families or supplemental nutrition assistance program for person convicted of controlled substance felony.
Section 17b-112e - Safety net services. Regulations.
Section 17b-112f - Safety net services account. Regulations.
Section 17b-112g - Diversion assistance program for families. Eligibility. Notification of benefits and services. Regulations.
Section 17b-112h - Disbursement of federal funds received from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Emergency Contingency Fund.
Section 17b-112i - Maximization of federal funds available from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Emergency Fund.
Section 17b-112j - Jobs First program. Modification of approved work activities.
Section 17b-112k - Pilot program to serve persons receiving temporary family assistance program benefits and participating in Jobs First program.
Section 17b-112l - Initiative for two-generational service delivery to encourage educational, health and workforce readiness and self-sufficiency.
Section 17b-112m - Integration of Even Start into planning and implementation of state-wide, two-generational initiative.
Section 17b-113 - Rate paid to recipients.
Section 17b-114 - (Formerly Sec. 17-83q). Return of security deposits.
Section 17b-114o - Submission of federal TANF expenditure report to legislative committees.
Section 17b-115 - (Formerly Sec. 17-272). “Town” and “selectmen” defined.
Section 17b-116 - Liability of town for support; regulations. Restrictive payment system. Disclosure of information or records pertaining to municipal social services departments. Districts for administration of general assistance.
Section 17b-118 and 17b-118a - Transferred
Section 17b-118b - Restrictions on eligibility for general assistance of persons aged eighteen to twenty-one living with and as dependents of their parents.
Section 17b-119 - Transferred
Section 17b-120 and 17b-121 - (Formerly Secs. 17-273d and 17-274a). Emergency shelter services for general assistance recipients. Regulations on medical treatment.
Section 17b-122 - (Formerly Sec. 17-277). Reimbursement by paupers.
Section 17b-123 - (Formerly Sec. 17-278). Request for support. Application review process. Notification by applicant of change in circumstances.
Section 17b-124 - (Formerly Sec. 17-279). Disclosure by person controlling property.
Section 17b-125 - (Formerly Sec. 17-280). Eligibility for town relief of owner of real property.
Section 17b-126 - (Formerly Sec. 17-281). Lien against real property.
Section 17b-127 - (Formerly Sec. 17-282). General assistance fraud. Penalty. Forfeiture of privileges of participation in program. Termination upon conviction. Readmission.
Section 17b-128 - (Formerly Sec. 17-283). Reimbursement of towns or municipalities for relief. Recovery of overpayments.
Section 17b-129 - (Formerly Sec. 17-283a). Town's claim against proceeds of cause of action. Assignment of interest in estate to the town. Limitation.
Section 17b-130 - (Formerly Sec. 17-284). Claims for supplies or assistance furnished to pauper.
Section 17b-131 - (Formerly Sec. 17-286). Funeral and burial allowance for indigent persons or beneficiaries under the state-administered general assistance program. Reductions. Disclosure of information regarding liquid assets.
Section 17b-132 - (Formerly Sec. 17-288). When property of deceased person whom town has supported may be sold.
Section 17b-133 - (Formerly Sec. 17-289). Establishment of almshouses; removal of mentally ill persons.
Section 17b-134 and 17b-135 - (Formerly Secs. 17-292 and 17-292i). Reimbursement of towns; liability of pharmaceutical manufacturers for rebates. Reimbursement of municipalities for general assistance.
Section 17b-136 - (Formerly Sec. 17-293). Interstate transportation. Admission to state mental hospital.
Section 17b-137 - (Formerly Sec. 17-303). Disclosure of property of recipients of state aid, care or child support enforcement services. Disclosure of property of persons liable to support recipients or subject to IV-D support case investigation. Access to records. Automated data match system. High-volume automated administrative enforcement.
Section 17b-137a - Social Security number to be recorded on license applications, certain documents and death certificate. Confidentiality.
Section 17b-138 - (Formerly Sec. 17-304). Conveyance of land by Commissioner of Social Services or his designee or Commissioner of Administrative Services.
Section 17b-179 - (Formerly Sec. 17-578). *(See end of section for amended version of subdivision (3) of subsection (h) and effective date.) Office of Child Support Services. Duties. Determination of parents' financial liability. Use of unemployment compensation for child support obligations. Recovery of costs. Fees. Electronic funds transfer and debit card access for support payments. Regulations. Annual report to General Assembly re child support enforcement program.
Section 17b-179a - Information sharing between Departments of Social Services and Revenue Services re assets and income of child support obligors.
Section 17b-179b - Arrearage adjustment program. Factors for consideration.
Section 17b-180 - (Formerly Sec. 17-85). Eligibility. Consideration of stepparent's income.
Section 17b-180a - Expedited application and eligibility determination.
Section 17b-181 and 17b-182 - (Formerly Secs. 17-85a and 17-86a). Medical assistance for pregnant women. Temporary aid; “dependent child” and “principal earner” defined; weekly employment search.
Section 17b-183 - (Formerly Sec. 17-86f). Minor recipients of temporary family assistance allowed to retain assets for future identifiable education expenses.
Section 17b-184 - Client advisory board. Report.
Section 17b-185 - Immunizations and health screenings for children; assistance from commissioner.