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U.S. State Codes
Title 17b - Social Services
Chapter 319oo - Employment and Training
Chapter 319oo - Employment and Training
Section 17b-680 to 17b-688a - (Formerly Secs. 17-483 to 17-488, 17-490, 17-492a, 17-492b and 17-492d). Definitions. Information on available programs. Assessment; employability plan; referral; monitoring; penalties. Department of Social Services; administration of JOBS program; duties; report. Demonstration work preparation and supportive work employment program. JOBS opportunities coordinator; advisory committee. Job training program for certain recipients of AFDC. Supportive work and grant diversion programs in selected sites. Funds; training for placement in supported work and skilled technical programs. Supported work program; public awareness campaign.
Section 17b-688b - Interagency information and case management system established.
Section 17b-688c - Employment services program for recipients of TANF established. Regulations.
Section 17b-688d to 17b-688f - Transferred
Section 17b-688g - Minor parent ineligible for temporary family assistance, when.
Section 17b-688h - (Formerly Sec. 17b-688d). Memorandum of understanding re employment services for TANF recipients. Pilot program.
Section 17b-688i - (Formerly Sec. 17b-688e). Administration of employment services program for TANF recipients.
Section 17b-688j - (Formerly Sec. 17b-688f). Reliable transportation pilot program.
Section 17b-689 - Transferred
Section 17b-689a - Labor Department grant program.
Section 17b-689b - Regulations.
Section 17b-689c - Employability plans for TFA recipients.
Section 17b-689d - Education courses for TFA recipients.
Section 17b-690 to 17b-693 - (Formerly Secs. 17-281c, 17-281d, 17-281g, 17-281h). Work program plan; regulations. Private employers' work training programs for employable recipients. Town plans for delivery of employment and employability services to general assistance recipients; funding. Interagency council for coordinated employability and employment services for general assistance recipients.
Section 17b-694 - Community Employment Incentive Program. Employment placement projects.
Section 17b-695 to 17b-697 - (Formerly Secs. 17-655 to 17-657). Definitions. Grants for centers; “comprehensive job training and related services” defined. Criteria for distribution of funds.
Section 17b-698 - Collection of data from job training and placement services.
Section 17b-698a - Evaluation of job training programs.