(1) Any employer who wishes to appeal a determination of liability for premiums or surcharges, a determination of coverage under the provisions of articles 70 to 82 of this title, or a seasonality determination pursuant to section 8-73-106 may file a written notice of appeal with the division in such form and manner as the director of the division may prescribe by rule, including in person, by mail, or by electronic means. Except as otherwise provided by this section, proceedings on appeal shall be governed by the provisions of article 74 of this title. No appeal shall be heard unless the notice of appeal has been received by the division within twenty calendar days after the date the notice of such determination is mailed or transmitted by the division to the employer in accordance with such rules as the director of the division may promulgate.
(2) Any employer who wishes to protest an assessment of premiums or surcharges, a notice of premium rate, a recomputation of premium rate, or any notice of correction of any matter set forth in this subsection (2) shall file a request for redetermination with the division, in accordance with rules promulgated by the director of the division. The division shall thereafter promptly notify the employer of its redetermination decision. Any employer who wishes to appeal from a redetermination decision may file a written notice of appeal with the division. Except as otherwise provided by this section, proceedings on appeal shall be governed by the provisions of article 74 of this title. No appeal shall be heard unless notice of appeal has been received by the division within twenty calendar days after the date the notice of such redetermination is mailed or transmitted by the division to the employer in accordance with such rules as the director of the division may promulgate.
(3) Any determination or redetermination from which appeal may be taken pursuant to subsection (1) or (2) of this section shall be final and binding upon the employer unless a notice of appeal is filed in accordance with the time limits set forth in subsections (1) and (2) of this section or unless the employer establishes to the satisfaction of the division that he had good cause for failure to file a timely notice of appeal. Guidelines for determining what constitutes good cause shall be established by the director of the division.
(3.5) Any administrative appeal pursuant to this section shall be conducted by a referee or hearing officer of the division.
(4) In connection with any appeal proceeding conducted pursuant to this section, the referee may, upon application by any party or upon his own motion:
(a) Convene a prehearing conference to discuss the issues on appeal, the evidence to be presented, and any other relevant matters which may simplify further proceedings;
(b) Permit the parties to engage inprehearing discovery, insofar as practicable, in accordance with the Colorado rules of civil procedure and, in connection therewith, to shorten or extend any applicable response time; and
(c) Permit or require the filing by the parties of briefs, arguments of law, or statements of position.
(5) In matters involving a pending claim for benefits, the referee shall give due regard to the rights of the claimant to a speedy and informal hearing and may impose such limitations upon discovery as he deems reasonable.
(6) Repealed.