(1) No person shall in any manner represent any place as an inspection and readjustment station, inspection-only facility, fleet inspection station, motor vehicle dealer test facility, or enhanced inspection center or shall claim to be a licensed emissions inspector or licensed emissions mechanic unless such station, facility, center, or person has been issued and operates under a valid license issued by the department or contract with the state. If the license or contract is cancelled, suspended, or revoked, all evidence designating the station, facility, or center as a licensed inspection and readjustment station, inspection-only facility, fleet inspection station, or motor vehicle dealer test facility or authorized enhanced inspection center and indicative of licensed status of the station, facility, or center or emissions inspector or emissions mechanic shall be removed within five days after receipt of notice of such action.
(a) The department shall have authority to suspend or revoke the inspection and readjustment station license, inspection-only facility license, fleet inspection license, or motor vehicle dealer test facility license or to seek termination of the contractor's contract and require surrender of said license and unused certification of emissions control forms and verification of emissions test forms held by such licensee or contractor when such station, facility, or center is not equipped as required, when such station, facility, or center is not operating from a location for which the license or contract was issued, when the approved location has been altered so that it will no longer qualify as a licensed station or facility or authorized center, or when inspections, repairs, or adjustments are not being made in accordance with applicable laws and the rules and regulations of the department or commission.
(b) The department shall also have authority to suspend or revoke the license of an emissions inspector or emissions mechanic and require surrender of said license when it determines that said inspector or mechanic is not qualified to perform the inspections, repairs, or adjustments or when inspections, repairs, or adjustments are not being made in accordance with applicable laws and the rulesand regulations of the department or the commission.
(3) In addition to any other grounds for revocation or suspension, authority to suspend and revoke inspection and readjustment station licenses, inspection-only facility licenses, fleet inspection station licenses, motor vehicle dealer test facility licenses, or enhanced inspection center contracts, or to seek termination of a contractor's contract or an emissions inspector's or emissions mechanic's license and to require surrender of said licenses and unused certification of inspection forms and records of said station shall also exist upon a showing that:
(a) A vehicle which had been inspected and issued a certification of emissions compliance by said station, facility, or center or by said inspector or mechanic was in such condition that it did not, at the time of such inspection, comply with the law or the rules and regulations for issuance of such a certification; or
(b) An inspection and readjustment station, or emissions mechanic has demonstrated a pattern of issuing certifications of emissions waivers to vehicles which, at the time of issuance of such certifications, did not comply with the law or the rules and regulations for issuance of such certifications.
(4) Upon suspending the license of an inspection and readjustment station, inspection-only facility, fleet inspection station, or motor vehicle dealer test facility or an enhanced inspection center contract or of an emissions inspector or emissions mechanic as authorized in this section, the executive director shall immediately notify the licensee or contractor in writing and, upon request therefor, shall grant the licensee or contractor a hearing within thirty days after receipt of such request, such hearing to be held in the county wherein the licensee or contractor resides, unless the executive director and the licensee or contractor agree that such hearing may be held in some other county. The executive director may request a hearing officer to act in the executive director's behalf. Upon such hearing, the executive director or the hearing officer may administer oaths and may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books, records, and papers. Upon such hearing, the order of suspension or revocation may be rescinded, or, for good cause shown, the suspension may be extended for such period of time as the hearing person or body may determine, not exceeding one year, or the revocation order may be affirmed or reversed. The licensee shall not perform under the license pending the hearing and decision.
(5) Upon the final cancellation or termination of a contractor's contract, the executive director shall invoke the provisions of such contract to continue service until a new contract can be secured with qualified persons as supervised by the department of revenue.