§ 42-4-304. Definitions relating to motor vehicle inspection and readjustment program

CO Rev Stat § 42-4-304 (2018) (N/A)
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(1) "AIR program" or "program" means the automobile inspection and readjustment program until replaced as provided in sections 42-4-301 to 42-4-316, the basic emissions program, and the enhanced emissions program established pursuant to sections 42-4-301 to 42-4-316.

(2) "Basic emissions program" means the inspection and readjustment program, established pursuant to the federal act, in the counties set forth in paragraph (b) of subsection (20) of this section.


(a) "Certification of emissions control" means one of the following certifications, to be issued to the owner of a motor vehicle which is subject to the automobile inspection and readjustment program to indicate the status of inspection requirement compliance of said vehicle:

(I) "Certification of emissions waiver", indicating that the emissions of other than chlorofluorocarbons from the vehicle do not comply with the applicable emissions standards and criteria after inspection, adjustment, and emissions-related repairs in accordance with section 42-4-310.

(II) "Certification of emissions compliance", indicating that the emissions from said vehicle comply with applicable emissions and opacity standards and criteria at the time of inspection or after required adjustments or repairs.


(I) The certification of emissions control will be issued to the vehicle owner at the time of sale or transfer except as provided in section 42-4-310 (1)(a)(I). The certification of emissions control will be in effect for twenty-four months for 1982 and newer model vehicles. 1981 and older model vehicles and all vehicles inspected by the fleet-only air inspection stations shall be issued certifications of emissions control valid for twelve months.

(II) Except as provided in section 42-4-309, the executive director shall establish a biennial inspection schedule for 1982 and newer model vehicles, an annual inspection schedule for 1981 and older model vehicles, and a five-year inspection schedule for a 1976 or newer motor vehicle registered as a collector's item.

(c) Repealed.

(d) Subject to section 42-4-310 (4), the certification of emissions control shall be obtained by the seller and transferred to the new owner at the time of vehicle sale or transfer.

(e) For purposes of this subsection (3), "sale or transfer" shall not include a change only in the legal ownership as shown on the vehicle's documents of title, whether for purposes of refinancing or otherwise, that does not entail a change in the physical possession or use of the vehicle.

(3.5) "Clean screen program" means the remote sensing system or other emission profiling system established and operated pursuant to sections 42-4-305 (12), 42-4-306 (23), 42-4-307 (10.5), and 42-4-310 (5).

(4) "Commission" means the air quality control commission, created in section 25-7-104, C.R.S.

(5) "Contractor" means any person, partnership, entity, or corporation that is awarded a contract by the state of Colorado through a competitive bid process conducted by the division in consultation with the executive director and in accordance with the "Procurement Code", articles 101 to 112 of title 24, C.R.S., and section 42-4-306, to provide inspection services for vehicles required to be inspected pursuant to section 42-4-310 within the enhanced program area, as set forth in subsection (9) of this section, to operate enhanced inspection centers necessary to perform inspections, and to operate the clean screen program within the program area.

(6) "Division" means the division of administration in the department of public health and environment.

(7) "Emissions inspector" means:

(a) An individual trained and licensed in accordance with section 42-4-308 to inspect motor vehicles at an inspection-only facility, fleet inspection station, or motor vehicle dealer test facility subject to the enhanced emissions program set forth in this part 3; or

(b) An individual employed by an enhanced inspection center who is authorized by the contractor to inspect motor vehicles subject to the enhanced emissions program set forth in this part 3 and subject to the direction of said contractor.

(8) "Emissions mechanic" means an individual licensed in accordance with section 42-4-308 to inspect and adjust motor vehicles subject to the automobile inspection and readjustment program until such program is replaced as provided in sections 42-4-301 to 42-4-316 and to the basic emissions program after such replacement.

(8.5) "Enhanced emissions inspection" means a motor vehicle emissions inspection conducted pursuant to the enhanced emissions program, including a detection of high emissions by remote sensing, an identification of high emitters, a clean screen inspection, or an inspection conducted at an enhanced inspection center.


(a) "Enhanced emissions program" means the emissions inspection program established pursuant to the federal requirements set forth in the federal performance standards, 40 CFR, part 51, subpart S, in the locations set forth in paragraph (c) of subsection (20) of this section.

(b) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2009, (SB 09-003), ch. 322, p. 1714, § 1, effective June 1, 2009.)

(10) "Enhanced inspection center" means a strategically located, single- or multi-lane, high-volume, inspection-only facility operated in the enhanced emissions program area by a contractor not affiliated with any other automotive-related service, which meets the requirements of sections 42-4-305 and 42-4-306, which is equipped to enable vehicle exhaust gas and evaporative and chlorofluorocarbon emissions inspections, and which the owner or operator is authorized to operate by the executive director as an inspection-only facility.

(11) "Environmental protection agency" means the federal environmental protection agency.

(12) "Executive director" means the executive director of the department of revenue or the designee of such executive director.

(13) "Federal act" means the federal "Clean Air Act", 42 U.S.C. sec. 7401 et seq., as in effect on November 15, 1990, and any federal regulation promulgated pursuant to said act.

(14) "Federal requirements" means regulations of the environmental protection agency pursuant to the federal act.

(15) "Fleet inspection station" means a facility which meets the requirements of section 42-4-308, which is equipped to enable appropriate emissions inspections as prescribed by the commission and which the owner or operator is licensed to operate by the executive director as an inspection station for purposes of emissions testing on vehicles pursuant to section 42-4-309.

(15.5) Repealed.

(16) "Inspection and readjustment station" means:

(a) Repealed.


(I) A facility within the basic emissions program area as defined in subsection (20) of this section which meets the requirements of section 42-4-308, which is equipped to enable vehicle exhaust, evaporative, and chlorofluorocarbon emissions inspections and any necessary adjustments and repairs to be performed, and which facility the owner or operator is licensed by the executive director to operate as an inspection and readjustment station.

(II) This paragraph (b) is effective January 1, 1994.


(a) "Inspection-only facility" means a facility operated by an independent owner-operator within the enhanced program area as defined in subsection (20) of this section which meets the requirements of section 42-4-308 and which is equipped to enable vehicle exhaust, evaporative, and chlorofluorocarbon emissions inspections and which facility the operator is licensed to operate by the executive director as an inspection-only facility. Such inspection-only facility shall be authorized to conduct inspections on model year 1981 and older vehicles.

(b) This subsection (17) is effective January 1, 1995.

(18) "Motor vehicle", as applicable to the AIR program, includes only a motor vehicle that is operated with four wheels or more on the ground, self-propelled by a spark-ignited engine burning gasoline, gasoline blends, gaseous fuel, blends of liquid gasoline and gaseous fuels, alcohol, alcohol blends, or other similar fuels, having a personal property classification of A, B, or C pursuant to section 42-3-106, and for which registration in this state is required for operation on the public roads and highways or which motor vehicle is owned or operated or both by a nonresident who meets the requirements set forth in section 42-4-310 (1)(c). "Motor vehicle" does not include kit vehicles; vehicles registered pursuant to section 42-12-301 or 42-3-306 (4); vehicles registered pursuant to section 42-12-401 that are of model year 1975 or earlier or that have two-stroke cycle engines manufactured prior to 1980; or vehicles registered as street-rods pursuant to section 42-3-201.


(a) "Motor vehicle dealer test facility" means a stationary or mobile facility which is operated by a state trade association for motor vehicle dealers which is licensed to operate by the executive director as a motor vehicle dealer test facility to conduct emissions inspections.


(I) Inspections conducted pursuant to section 42-4-309 (3) by a motor vehicle dealer test facility shall only be conducted on used motor vehicles inventoried or consigned in this state for retail sale by a motor vehicle dealer that is licensed pursuant to part 1 of article 20 of title 44 and that is a member of the state trade association operating the motor vehicle dealer test facility.

(II) Inspection procedures used by a motor vehicle dealer test facility pursuant to this paragraph (b) shall include a loaded mode transient dynamometer test cycle in combination with appropriate idle short tests pursuant to rules and regulations of the commission.


(a) "Program area" means the counties of Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Douglas, El Paso, Jefferson, Larimer, and Weld, and the cities and counties of Broomfield and Denver, excluding the following areas and subject to paragraph (d) of this subsection (20):

(I) That portion of Adams county that is east of Kiowa creek (Range sixty-two west, townships one, two, and three south) between the Adams-Arapahoe county line and the Adams-Weld county line;

(II) That portion of Arapahoe county that is east of Kiowa creek (Range sixty-two west, townships four and five south) between the Arapahoe-Elbert county line and the Arapahoe-Adams county line;

(III) That portion of El Paso county that is east of the following boundary, defined on a south-to-north axis: From the El Paso-Pueblo county line north (upstream) along Chico creek (Ranges 63 and 64 West, Township 17 South) to Hanover road, then east along Hanover road (El Paso county route 422) to Peyton highway, then north along Peyton highway (El Paso county route 463) to Falcon highway, then west on Falcon highway (El Paso county route 405) to Peyton highway, then north on Peyton highway (El Paso county route 405) to Judge Orr road, then west on Judge Orr road (El Paso county route 108) to Elbert road, then north on Elbert road (El Paso county route 91) to the El Paso-Elbert county line;

(IV) That portion of Larimer county that is west of the boundary defined on a north-to-south axis by Range seventy-one west and north of the boundary defined on an east-to-west axis by township five north, that portion that is west of the boundary defined on a north-to-south axis by range seventy-three west, and that portion that is north of the boundary latitudinal line 40 degrees, 42 minutes, 47.1 seconds north;

(V) That portion of Weld county that is north of the boundary defined on an east-to-west axis by Weld county road 78; that portion that is east of the boundary defined on a north-to-south axis by Weld county road 43 and north of the boundary defined on an east-to-west axis by Weld county road 62; that portion that is east of the boundary defined on a north-to-south axis by Weld county road 49, south of the boundary defined on an east-to-west axis by Weld county road 62 and north of the boundary defined on an east-to-west axis by Weld county road 46; that portion that is east of the boundary defined on a north-to-south axis by Weld county road 27, south of the boundary defined on an east-to-west axis by Weld county road 46 and north of the boundary defined on an east-to-west axis by Weld county road 36; that portion that is east of the boundary defined on a north-to-south axis by Weld county road 19, south of the boundary defined on an east-to-west axis by Weld county road 36 and north of the boundary defined on an east-to-west axis by Weld county road 20; and that portion that is east of the boundary defined on a north-to-south axis by Weld county road 39 and south of the boundary defined on an east-to-west axis by Weld county road 20.

(b) Effective January 1, 2010, the basic emissions program area shall consist of the county of El Paso, as described in paragraph (a) of this subsection (20).


(I) Effective January 1, 2010, the enhanced emissions program area shall consist of the counties of Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Douglas, Jefferson, Larimer, and Weld, and the cities and counties of Broomfield and Denver as described in paragraph (a) of this subsection (20) and subject to paragraph (d) of this subsection (20). Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, vehicles registered in the counties of Larimer and Weld shall not be required to obtain a certificate of emissions control prior to July 1, 2010, in order to be registered or reregistered.

(II) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2003, p. 1357, 1, effective August 6, 2003.)

(III) Only those counties included in the basic emissions program area pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subsection (20) that violate national ambient air quality standards for carbon monoxide or ozone as established by the environmental protection agency may, on a case-by-case basis, be incorporated into the enhanced emissions program by final order of the commission.

(d) The commission shall review the boundaries of the program area and may, by rule promulgated on or before December 31, 2011, adjust such boundaries to exclude particularly identified regions from either the basic program area, the enhanced area, or both, based on an analysis of the applicable air quality science and the effects of the program on the population living in such regions.

(21) "Registered repair facility or technician" means an automotive repair business which has registered with the division, agrees to have its emissions-related cost effectiveness monitored based on inspection data, and is periodically provided performance statistics for the purpose of improving emissions-related repairs. Specific repair effectiveness information shall subsequently be provided to motorists at the time of inspection failure.

(22) "State implementation plan" or "SIP" means the plan required by and described in section 110 (a) of the federal act.

(23) "Technical center" means any facility operated by the division or its designee to support AIR program activities including but not limited to licensed emissions inspectors or emissions mechanics, motorists, repair technicians, or small business technical assistance.

(23.5) "Vehicle" means a motor vehicle as defined in subsection (18) of this section.

(24) "Verification of emissions test" means a certificate to be attached to a motor vehicle's windshield verifying that the vehicle has been issued a valid certification of emissions control.