(1) The general assembly hereby finds and declares that sections 42-4-301 to 42-4-316 are enacted pursuant to, and that the program created by said sections is designed to meet, the requirements of the federal "Clean Air Act", as amended by the federal "Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990", 42 U.S.C. sec. 7401 et seq., as the same is in effect on November 15, 1990.
(a) The general assembly further finds and declares that:
(I) The provisions of sections 42-4-301 to 42-4-316 related to the enhanced emissions program are enacted to comply with administrative requirements of rules and regulations of the federal environmental protection agency;
(II) Insofar as such rules and regulations require the use of loaded mode transient dynamometer technology utilizing a system commonly known as the IM 240 in motor vehicle emissions testing, the general assembly finds that reliable scientific data questions the effectiveness of such technology to measure motor vehicle emissions at the high altitude of the Denver metropolitan area;
(III) Less costly automobile emission testing systems may be available which are as effective or more effective at a lower cost to consumers than the loaded mode transient dynamometer test required by the federal environmental protection agency.
(I) The general assembly, therefore, declares that the enactment of sections 42-4-301 to 42-4-316 in no way forecloses or limits the rights of the general assembly or any other appropriate entity of the state of Colorado to retain legal counsel as provided by law to request the federal environmental protection agency to consider alternative automobile emission inspection technology which may relieve Colorado of the requirements of the federal rules and regulations or change such rules and regulations to require a different technology in automobile emissions testing at a substantial savings in cost to consumers and jobs for Coloradans employed in the testing of motor vehicles for emissions compliance.
(II) If the federal agency refuses to alter its policies related to this issue, the general assembly hereby declares that it or any other appropriate entity of the state of Colorado does not waive the right to bring appropriate legal action in a court of competent jurisdiction to determine the validity of the federal environmental protection agency's authority to require the use of the loaded mode transient dynamometer test for automobile emissions inspection commonly known as the IM 240 when such requirement may be in excess of the federal agency's authority under the federal "Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990".