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U.S. State Codes
Title 42 - Vehicles and Tra...
Regulation of Vehicles and ...
Article 4 - Regulation of V...
Part 17 - Penalties and Procedure
Part 17 - Penalties and Procedure
§ 42-4-1701. Traffic offenses and infractions classified - penalties - penalty and surcharge schedule - repeal
§ 42-4-1702. Alcohol- or drug-related traffic offenses - collateral attack
§ 42-4-1703. Parties to a crime
§ 42-4-1704. Offenses by persons controlling vehicles
§ 42-4-1705. Person arrested to be taken before the proper court
§ 42-4-1706. Juveniles - convicted - arrested and incarcerated - provisions for confinement
§ 42-4-1707. Summons and complaint or penalty assessment notice for misdemeanors, petty offenses, and misdemeanor traffic offenses - release - registration
§ 42-4-1708. Traffic infractions - proper court for hearing, burden of proof - appeal - collateral attack
§ 42-4-1709. Penalty assessment notice for traffic infractions - violations of provisions by officer - driver's license
§ 42-4-1710. Failure to pay penalty for traffic infractions - failure of parent or guardian to sign penalty assessment notice - procedures
§ 42-4-1711. Compliance with promise to appear
§ 42-4-1712. Procedure prescribed not exclusive
§ 42-4-1713. Conviction record inadmissible in civil action
§ 42-4-1714. Traffic violation not to affect credibility of witness
§ 42-4-1715. Convictions, judgments, and charges recorded - public inspection
§ 42-4-1716. Notice to appear or pay fine - failure to appear - penalty
§ 42-4-1717. Conviction - attendance at driver improvement school - rules
§ 42-4-1718. Electronic transmission of data - standards
§ 42-4-1719. Violations - commercial driver's license - compliance with federal regulation