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U.S. State Codes
Title 42 - Vehicles and Tra...
Regulation of Vehicles and ...
Article 4 - Regulation of V...
Part 14 - Other Offenses
Part 14 - Other Offenses
§ 42-4-1401. Reckless driving - penalty
§ 42-4-1402. Careless driving - penalty
§ 42-4-1403. Following fire apparatus prohibited
§ 42-4-1404. Crossing fire hose
§ 42-4-1405. Riding in trailers
§ 42-4-1406. Foreign matter on highway prohibited
§ 42-4-1407. Spilling loads on highways prohibited - prevention of spilling of aggregate, trash, or recyclables
§ 42-4-1407.5. Splash guards - when required
§ 42-4-1408. Operation of motor vehicles on property under control of or owned by parks and recreation districts
§ 42-4-1409. Compulsory insurance - penalty - legislative intent
§ 42-4-1410. Proof of financial responsibility required - suspension of license
§ 42-4-1410.5. Providing false evidence of proof of motor vehicle insurance - penalty
§ 42-4-1411. Use of earphones while driving
§ 42-4-1412. Operation of bicycles and other human-powered vehicles
§ 42-4-1412.5. Local adoption of alternative regulation of bicycles approaching intersections - alternative regulation described - validity of existing local resolution - definitions
§ 42-4-1413. Eluding or attempting to elude a police officer
§ 42-4-1414. Use of dyed fuel on highways prohibited
§ 42-4-1415. Radar jamming devices prohibited - penalty
§ 42-4-1416. Failure to present a valid transit pass or coupon - fare inspector authorization - definitions