(1) In addition to any other liability provided for in this article, the owner of a motor vehicle who is engaged in the business of leasing or renting motor vehicles is liable for payment of a parking violation fine unless the owner of the leased or rented motor vehicle can furnish sufficient evidence that the vehicle was, at the time of the parking violation, in the care, custody, or control of another person. To avoid liability for payment the owner of the motor vehicle is required, within a reasonable time after notification of the parking violation, to furnish to the prosecutorial division of the appropriate jurisdiction the name and address of the person or company who leased, rented, or otherwise had the care, custody, or control of such vehicle. As a condition to avoid liability for payment of a parking violation, any person or company who leases or rents motor vehicles to another person shall attach to the leasing or rental agreement a notice stating that, pursuant to the requirements of this section, the operator of the vehicle is liable for payment of a parking violation fine incurred when the operator has the care, custody, or control of the motor vehicle. The notice shall inform the operator that the operator's name and address shall be furnished to the prosecutorial division of the appropriate jurisdiction when a parking violation fine is incurred by the operator.
(2) The provisions of this section may be adopted by local authorities pursuant to section 42-4-110 (1).