(1) There is hereby created the legislative commission on low-income energy assistance. The commission shall be composed of eleven members to be appointed by the governor, each to serve a term of two years; except that the governor shall select seven of the initially appointed members to serve for one-year terms. Of the eleven members, five members shall be from private sector energy-related enterprises, one member shall be the director of the low-income energy assistance program in the state department of human services, one member shall be from the Colorado office of energy conservation, two members shall be consumers who are low-income energy assistance recipients, and two members shall be from the general public. Any interim appointment necessary to fill a vacancy which has occurred by any reason other than expiration of term shall be for the remainder of the term of the individual member whose office has become vacant.
(2) The governor may remove any commission member for cause, which shall include but need not be limited to misconduct, incompetence, or neglect of duty.
(3) Any commission member shall be immune from liability in any civil action brought against such member for acts occurring while acting in the capacity of a commission member if such member was acting in good faith, made reasonable efforts to obtain the facts of the matter as to which action was taken, and acted in the reasonable belief that the action taken was warranted by the facts.
(a) No later than December 15, 2008, the commission shall make recommendations to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the president of the senate regarding any necessary legislative changes to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the state's low-income energy assistance services provided pursuant to article 8.7 of this title and section 26-1-109, C.R.S. With assistance and consultation from representatives from two counties chosen by the executive director, or his or her designee, of Colorado counties, incorporated, or its successor organization, the commission shall assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current service delivery systems within the state and shall review effective service delivery systems and models of other states that may be appropriate for utilization in this state. The commission's recommendations shall build upon the positive aspects of the current service delivery system, including, but not limited to, the effective and efficient management of current funding to maximize assistance to the state's low-income population, infrastructure that is already in place to efficiently distribute benefits to eligible clients in a timely manner, and coordination already established between energy conservation measures and direct assistance. The commission's recommendations shall include, but shall not be limited to:
(I) How best to target the state's low-income energy assistance resources toward the identified needs;
(II) How best to coordinate public and private energy assistance activities with the objective of minimizing the financial burden of energy costs for the state's most needy;
(III) How best to streamline administrative processes; and
(IV) Suggested changes to state statutes, rules, or policies related to low-income energy consumers in the state.
(b) The commission may seek and receive public and private funding to assist in the conduct of the assessment and review required by paragraph (a) of this subsection (4), including but not limited to assistance from the existing resources of the department of human services created in section 24-1-120, C.R.S., the Colorado energy office created in section 24-38.5-101, C.R.S., and energy outreach Colorado, a Colorado nonprofit corporation, as described in section 40-8.7-103 (4).