(1) The consumer counsel shall represent the public interest and, to the extent consistent therewith, the specific interests of residential consumers, agricultural consumers, and small business consumers by appearing in proceedings before the commission and appeals therefrom in matters which involve proposed changes in a public utility's rates and charges, in matters involving rule-making which have an impact on the charges, the provision of services, or the rates to consumers, and in matters which involve certificates of public convenience and necessity for facilities employed in the provision of utility service, the construction of which would have a material effect on the utility's rates and charges.
(2) In exercising his discretion whether or not to appear in a proceeding, the consumer counsel shall consider the importance and the extent of the public interest involved. In evaluating the public interest, the consumer counsel shall give due consideration to the short- and long-term impact of the proceedings upon various classes of consumers, so as not to jeopardize the interest of one class in an action by another. If the consumer counsel determines that there may be inconsistent interests among the various classes of the consumers he represents in a particular matter, he may choose to represent one of the interests or to represent no interest. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the right of any person, firm, or corporation to petition or make complaint to the commission or otherwise intervene in proceedings or other matters before the commission.
(3) The consumer counsel shall be served with notices of all proposed gas and electric tariffs, and he or she shall be served with copies of all orders of the commission affecting the charges of agricultural consumers, residential consumers, and small business consumers.