(1) Repealed.
(a) On March 1 of each year, the public utilities commission shall furnish the executive director of the department of revenue with a list of those public utilities subject to its jurisdiction, supervision, and regulation on January 1 of each year. The provisions of this subsection (2) shall not apply to:
(I) Motor carriers subject to the passenger-mile tax imposed by sections 42-3-304 and 42-3-306, so long as the cost of regulation of such motor carriers is defrayed from the proceeds of such passenger-mile tax; and
(II) Rail fixed guideway systems that are regulated by the public utilities commission pursuant to part 1 of article 18 of this title.
(b) The director of the public utilities commission shall provide written notice to the revisor of statutes once the federal grant moneys made available under the "Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act", 49 U.S.C. sec. 5329, have been awarded to the state. This subsection (2) takes effect upon the receipt by the revisor of statutes of such written notice.