(1) The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that competition in the market for basic local exchange service will increase the choices available to customers and reduce the costs of such service. Accordingly, it is the policy of the state of Colorado to encourage competition in this market and strive to ensure that all consumers benefit from such increased competition.The commission is encouraged, where competition is not immediately possible, to utilize other interim marketplace mechanisms wherever possible, with the ultimate goal of replacing the regulatory framework established in part 2 of this article with a fully competitive telecommunications marketplace statewide as contemplated in this part 5.
(2) The general assembly further finds, determines, and declares that:
(a) Wise public policy relating to the telecommunications industry and the other crucial services it provides is in the interest of Colorado and its citizens;
(b) Sound and well-informed decisions need to be made on a continuing basis to ensure that the benefits of existing and new telecommunications services continue to be available to the greatest number of Colorado citizens;
(c) The involvement of telecommunications providers and others with experience and expertise in the area of telecommunications is essential to keep legislators informed of developing technology and evolving markets, thus to avoid costly errors and enhance the efficiency of the state's growing telecommunications network; and
(d) The rural nature of Colorado requires that special rules and support mechanisms be adopted to achieve the goal of ensuring that universal basic local exchange service be available to all residents of the state at reasonable rates. Rules adopted by the commission under this part 5 shall be designed to achieve this goal.
(3) This part 5 is enacted for the following purposes:
(a) To set forth, in concise fashion, the policy of this state in specific subject matter areas within the general topic of telecommunications, both for the guidance of the commission in carrying out its duties under this article and for the information of the citizens of Colorado;
(b) To create a framework for the identification of other subject matter areas should the need arise, the formulation of suggested policies in areas in which a policy direction has not yet been stated, and the reaching of consensus, wherever possible, among parties affected by such policies so as to minimize conflicts, ease the commission's considerable workload, and enhance the efficient delivery of telecommunications services to the public; and
(c) To adapt the regulatory structure of parts 2, 3, and 4 of this article to accommodate multiple providers of telecommunications services and to permit alternate forms of regulation for providers of local exchange service.