(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) or (2.5) of this section, prior to July 1 of each year, the county clerk and recorder shall give notice in at least one issue of a newspaper published in his or her county that beginning on July 1, the county board of equalization will sit in the county's regular public meeting location or other appropriate public meeting place to review the assessment roll of all taxable property located in the county, as prepared by the assessor, and to hear appeals from determinations of the assessor.
(a) Prior to a date established by the county board of equalization, but no later than September 1, the county clerk and recorder in a county that has made an election pursuant to section 39-5-122.7 (1) shall give notice in at least one issue of a newspaper published in his or her county that beginning such date the county board of equalization will sit in the county's regular public meeting location or other appropriate public meeting place to review the assessment roll of all taxable property located in the county, as prepared by the assessor, and to hear appeals from determinations of the assessor.
(b) Prior to August 1, 2017, and prior to each August 1 thereafter, the county clerk and recorder shall give notice in at least one issue of a newspaper published in his or her county of any date or dates between August 1 and September 1 on which the county commissioners, sitting as the county board of equalization, shall hear contests of property tax exemption denials as required by section 39-3-206 (2).
(2.5) If the city and county of Denver elects to use the pilot alternate protest procedure established in section 39-5-122.8, the county clerk and recorder shall give notice in at least one issue of a newspaper published in the city and county of Denver and on the website for the city and county of Denver that the city and county of Denver has made such election; that all objections and protests will be determined in accordance with the protest and appeal procedures set forth in section 39-5-122.8; and that to preserve the taxpayer's right to protest, the taxpayer must notify the board of county commissioners in writing of the taxpayer's objection and protest; that such notice must be delivered or postmarked no later than November 15 of the year in which the notice of valuation was mailed; and that after such date, the taxpayer's right to object and protest the adjustment in valuation is lost.
(3) If there is no newspaper, then such notice shall be conspicuously posted in the offices of the county clerk and recorder, the treasurer, and the assessor and in at least two other public places in the county seat.