(1) A conservation easement in gross may only be created by the record owners of the surface of the land and, if applicable, owners of the water or water rights beneficially used thereon by a deed or other instrument of conveyance specifically stating the intention of the grantor to create such an easement under this article.
(2) A conservation easement in gross may only be created through a grant to or a reservation by a governmental entity or a grant to or a reservation by a charitable organization exempt under section 501 (c)(3) of the federal "Internal Revenue Code of 1986", as amended, which organization was created at least two years prior to receipt of the conservation easement.
(3) Repealed.
(4) Conservation easements relating to historical, architectural, or cultural significance may only be applied to buildings, sites, or structures which have been listed in the national register of historic places or the state register of historic properties, which have been designated as a landmark by a local government or landmarks commission under the provisions of the ordinances of the locality involved, or which are listed as contributing building sites or structures within a national, state, or locally designated historic district.
(5) If a water right is represented by shares in a mutual ditch or reservoir company, a conservation easement in gross that encumbers the water right may be created or revoked only after sixty days' notice and in accordance with the applicable requirements of the mutual ditch or reservoir company, including, but not limited to, its articles of incorporation and bylaws as amended from time to time.