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U.S. State Codes
Title 38 - Property - Real ...
Real Property
Article 30 - Titles and Interests
Article 30 - Titles and Interests
§ 38-30-101. Parties entitled to hold lands may convey
§ 38-30-102. Water rights conveyed as real estate - well permit transfers - legislative declaration - definitions
§ 38-30-103. Livery of seisin, not necessary
§ 38-30-104. Vendor's after-acquired title deemed in trust for vendee
§ 38-30-104.5. Grantor's interest in vacated right-of-way deemed included
§ 38-30-105. Lands not in possession may be conveyed
§ 38-30-106. Tenant in fee tail takes in fee simple
§ 38-30-107. Estate granted deemed fee simple unless limited
§ 38-30-107.5. Royalty interests - minerals or geothermal resources
§ 38-30-108. Conveyances to grantee in a representative capacity
§ 38-30-108.5. Conveyances to trusts - ownership and transfer of property
§ 38-30-110. Rule against perpetuities inapplicable to cemetery trusts
§ 38-30-111. Rule against perpetuities inapplicable to employees' pension trusts
§ 38-30-112. Rule against perpetuities inapplicable to existing trusts
§ 38-30-113. Deeds - short form - acknowledgment - effect
§ 38-30-113.5. Beneficiary deeds
§ 38-30-114. Validation of acknowledgments
§ 38-30-115. Deeds - bargain and sale - special warranty
§ 38-30-116. Deeds - quitclaim
§ 38-30-117. Mortgages - short form - acknowledgment - effect
§ 38-30-118. Seal not necessary
§ 38-30-120. Conveyance carries right of possession
§ 38-30-121. What covenants run with the land
§ 38-30-122. No action against warrantor without notice and refusal to defend
§ 38-30-123. Powers of attorney must be recorded
§ 38-30-124. Powers of attorney, how acknowledged and proved
§ 38-30-125. Scroll sufficient
§ 38-30-126. Acknowledgments, before whom taken
§ 38-30-127. Acknowledgments taken pursuant to other laws
§ 38-30-128. Prima facie validity of prior foreign acknowledgments
§ 38-30-129. Clerk of U.S. courts may take acknowledgments
§ 38-30-130. Governor may appoint commissioners of deeds
§ 38-30-131. Oath of commissioner of deeds
§ 38-30-132. Effect of commissioner's acknowledgment
§ 38-30-133. Commissioner has power to administer oath
§ 38-30-134. Fees of commissioners
§ 38-30-135. Officer shall subscribe certificate
§ 38-30-136. Subsequent proof of execution - proof or acknowledgment of copy
§ 38-30-137. Recording of leases based on crop rentals
§ 38-30-138. Filing and recording fee
§ 38-30-140. Foreign deeds - translation - proof - not recorded without
§ 38-30-141. Conveyance by county or municipality
§ 38-30-142. Prior deeds and conveyances by commissioners validated
§ 38-30-143. Prior deeds and conveyances by council validated
§ 38-30-144. Conveyance by corporation
§ 38-30-145. Conveyance by sheriff
§ 38-30-146. Fraternal society may hold and convey real estate
§ 38-30-147. Presiding officer may bring suit to protect property
§ 38-30-148. Joint property of fraternal society
§ 38-30-149. Change of presiding officer not to affect suit
§ 38-30-150. Definitions
§ 38-30-151. Division of county - transcript of records - certificate
§ 38-30-152. Not applicable to wills
§ 38-30-153. Recording wills and decrees affecting lands - descents
§ 38-30-154. Clerk shall furnish certified copies
§ 38-30-155. Certified copy of record shall be evidence of title
§ 38-30-156. Fees for county clerk and recorder
§ 38-30-157. Same use prohibition or restriction repeated in subsequent instruments taking effect on or after January 1, 1966 - exception
§ 38-30-158. Record notice required for same use prohibition or restriction repeated in subsequent instruments taking effect prior to January 1, 1966 - exception - affidavit as to ownership and possession
§ 38-30-159. Who may record notice of intention to claim possibility of reverter or right of entry
§ 38-30-160. Contents of notice - recording, indexing - effect
§ 38-30-161. Use prohibition or restriction affecting less or more real property - more or fewer use prohibitions or restrictions
§ 38-30-162. Interests and instruments to which sections 38-30-157 to 38-30-164 do not apply
§ 38-30-163. Other statutes and laws remain applicable
§ 38-30-164. Sections to be liberally construed
§ 38-30-165. Unreasonable restraints on the alienation of property - prohibited practices
§ 38-30-166. Joint ventures - ownership and transfer of property
§ 38-30-167. Right of purchaser to obtain partial specific performance
§ 38-30-168. Unreasonable restrictions on renewable energy generation devices - definitions
§ 38-30-169. Instruments of conveyance - removal of void and unenforceable restrictive covenants which are based upon race or religion
§ 38-30-170. Private restrictive covenants - modification - exception - procedures
§ 38-30-171. Survival of remedies and title to corporate property after dissolution
§ 38-30-172. Evidence of existence and authority - definitions
§ 38-30-173. Survival of remedies and title to corporate property after dissolution - nonprofit corporations