(1) It is hereby declared to be the public policy of the state to preserve, protect, upgrade, conserve, develop, utilize, and manage the water resources of the state, to promote the beneficial use of waters of the state for the protection and preservation of the public health, safety, convenience, and welfare, to create or preserve jobs and employment opportunities or to improve the economic welfare of the people of the state, and to assist and cooperate with governmental agencies in achieving such purposes. In furtherance of such public policy, the Colorado water resources and power development authority is created in this article to initiate, acquire, construct, maintain, repair, and operate projects or cause the same to be operated pursuant to a lease, sublease, or other agreement with any person or governmental agency and may issue its bonds and notes payable solely from revenues to pay the cost of such projects.
(2) The general assembly finds and declares that the authority and powers conferred under this article and the expenditures of public moneys pursuant thereto constitute a serving of a valid public purpose and that the enactment of the provisions set forth in this article is in the public interest and is hereby so declared to be such as a matter of express legislative determination.