The board of directors shall name a day for canvassing the vote, and if it appears that a majority of said ballots contain the words, "For Dissolution - Yes", then it shall be the duty of said board of directors to declare said district to be dissolved and to certify to the county clerk and recorders of the respective counties in which the district is situated (stating the number of signers to said petition) that said election was called and set for the ..........… day of ....… (month of) ....… (year) and that said election was held and so many votes (stating the number) had been cast for, and so many votes (stating the number) had been cast against, said proposition, said certificate to bear the seal of the district and the signatures of the president and secretary of said board of directors. It is the duty of the said respective clerk and recorders to record all such certificates in the records of the respective counties. Should it appear that a majority of the votes cast at said election were "For Dissolution - No", then the board of directors shall declare the proposition lost and shall cause the result and the vote to be made a part of the records of said irrigation district.