On all sales of state lands, the terms of payment shall be as follows: Not less than twenty-five percent of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the time of the sale, and the balance shall be made payable upon an amortization plan based on interest at not less than four percent per annum and providing for the payment of semiannual installments sufficient in amount to extinguish such balance at the end of thirty-three years from date of sale; but, in cases where the total improvements on the land sold are in excess of forty percent of the total value of the land, the state board of land commissioners may, in its discretion, reduce the amount which shall be paid in cash at the time of the sale to ten percent of the purchase price. The purchaser shall have the privilege, on any installment date, of paying on his original obligation, in addition to the installment then due, the sum necessary to reduce the original obligation by one hundred dollars or any multiple thereof, but in such event, except when any such additional payment is sufficient to discharge the purchaser's entire debt, the balance remaining due from the purchaser shall remain amortized for the remainder of said thirty-three-year period on the same interest basis, with adjusted semiannual installments. Any certificates of purchase outstanding on lands sold on or before May 2, 1929, may, when the state board of land commissioners deems it advisable, and upon application of the holder thereof, be converted to certificates of purchase on the amortization plan. The board shall have the right to charge such fees under this article as it may deem reasonable.