(1) A commodity handler operating another business in conjunction with, or in proximity to, the handler's commodity handling business shall keep a complete set of records for the commodity handling business, entirely separate and distinct from the accounts and records of that other business. The deposits of commodities for the account of another business or for commodities owned by the commodity handler shall be entered in the books of the commodity handler in the same manner as those of other depositors. For the purpose of this section, "other business" shall mean any other separate and legally established enterprise that is distinct and separate from the legal and financial transactions of the commodity handling business.
(2) Commodity handlers shall maintain adequate records and systems for the filing and accounting of negotiable warehouse receipts, cancelled negotiable warehouse receipts, scale tickets, and other documents and transactions necessary or common to the commodity handling industry. Cancelled negotiable warehouse receipts, copies of scale tickets, and copies of other documents evidencing ownership or ownership liability shall be retained by the commodity handler for a period of at least three years after the date of cancellation.
(3) A position report shall be posted daily by the commodity handler; however, if a daily position report poses a substantial hardship, the commissioner may authorize, in writing, a weekly position report. The position report shall include, but need not be limited to, total stocks by commodities received or loaded out, forwardings of commodities to terminal storage, conversions of whole commodities to feed, negotiable warehouse receipt obligations, open storage obligations, credit sale contracts, and public warehouse-owned commodities.
(4) A scale ticket shall be issued for each receipt of commodities. A copy of the scale ticket shall be given to the owner. The commodity handler's copy shall be filed with all other such copies in numerical sequence. Voided scale tickets shall be filed and retained at the commodity handler's place of business. Scale tickets shall be issued in numerical sequence. An issued scale ticket shall contain the following: Sequential number; date; owner's name; commodity handler's name; commodity; test weight with dockage, if applicable; grade, if assigned; gross weight; tare weight; and net weights, in the case of weights from hopper scales.
(5) A settlement sheet shall be maintained for each owner and shall contain the following: Owner's name, scale ticket numbers, total receipts, total withdrawals, test weight, and grade if assigned. A copy of a current settlement sheet shall be provided the owner upon request.