(1) For the purpose of paying any contractor of or otherwise defraying any cost of the project in connection with any improvement district as the same becomes due from time to time until moneys are available therefor from the levy and collection of assessments and from any issuance of assessment bonds, the board may issue assessment debentures on the behalf and in the name of the urban district as provided in sections 32-11-501 (3) and 32-11-502 to 32-11-526 and elsewhere in this article, except as otherwise provided in sections 32-11-621 to 32-11-631.
(2) Any assessment debentures issued for any construction work shall be issued only upon estimates of the engineer.
(3) Any assessment debentures shall be special obligations payable from designated special assessments, any proceeds of special assessment bonds, and any other moneys designated to be available for the redemption of such debentures and authorized in this article to be pledged as additional security for the payment of such bonds.