Upon completion of any local improvement or upon completion from time to time of any part thereof and upon acceptance thereof by the board or whenever the total cost of any improvement or of any such part thereof can be reasonably ascertained either prior to, during, or subsequent to the construction of the improvements, the board shall cause to be prepared a statement showing the whole cost of the improvement, including costs of inspection and collection, capitalized interest on any bonds issued for such period as the board may deem necessary, capitalized bond reserves, and all other incidental costs, the portion thereof, if any, to be paid by assessments, the portion thereof, if any, to be paid through the sales tax imposed pursuant to section 30-20-604.5, the portion thereof, if any, to be paid by the county, and the portion thereof to be assessed upon each lot or tract of land to be assessed for the same, which statement shall be filed in the office of the county clerk and recorder. If the board should deem the basis of assessment to be inequitable in any case, a just and equitable assessment shall be made upon the basis of benefits accruing to any property assessed by reason of the improvements made.