(1) In determining the conversion costs included in the costs and feasibility report required by section 29-8-108, the public utility shall be entitled to amounts sufficient to repay them, with a reasonable allowance for overhead expense, for the following, as computed and reflected by the uniform system of accounts approved by the public utilities commission or federal communications commission, or in the event the public utility is not subject to regulation by either of the above governmental agencies, by the public utility's system of accounts then in use and in accordance with standard accounting procedures of said public utility:
(a) The original costs less depreciation taken of the existing overhead electric and communication facilities to be removed;
(b) The estimated costs of removing such overhead electric and communication facilities, less the salvage value of the facilities removed;
(c) If the estimated cost of constructing underground facilities exceeds the original cost of existing overhead electric and communication facilities, then the difference between the two;
(d) The cost of obtaining new easements when technical considerations make it reasonably necessary to utilize easements for the underground facilities different from those used for aboveground facilities, or where the preexisting easements are insufficient for the underground facilities.
(2) However, in the event that conversion costs are included in tariffs, rules, or regulations filed and in effect with the public utilities commission, such conversion costs shall be the cost included in the costs and feasibility report.