No sheriff, mayor of a city, or other person authorized by law to appoint special deputy sheriffs, marshals, policemen, or other peace officers in the state to preserve the public peace and prevent or quell public disturbances shall hereafter appoint as such special deputy sheriff, marshal, policeman, or other peace officer any person who is not at the time of the appointment a bona fide resident of the state of Colorado, and no person shall assume or exercise the functions, powers, duties, or privileges incident and belonging to the office of special deputy sheriff, marshal, policeman, or other peace officer without having first received his appointment in writing from the lawfully constituted authorities of the state. Notwithstanding the residency requirement stated in this section, a person may be deputized or otherwise assigned to law enforcement duty pursuant to section 29-5-104 (2) although such person is not a bona fide resident of this state.