(1) All licenses granted pursuant to the provisions of this article 11.8 shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of their issuance unless revoked or suspended pursuant to section 29-11.8-108 or 29-11.8-113.
(2) Application for the renewal of an existing license shall be made to the local licensing authority not less than forty-five days prior to the date of expiration. The local licensing authority may cause a hearing on the application for renewal to be held. No such renewal hearing shall be held by the local licensing authority until a notice of hearing has been conspicuously posted on the licensed premises for a period of ten days and notice of the hearing has been provided the applicant at least ten days prior to the hearing. The local licensing authority may refuse to renew any license for good cause, subject to judicial review.
(3) Each license issued under this article 11.8 is separate and distinct, and no person shall exercise any of the privileges granted under any license other than that which the person holds. A separate license must be obtained by each person wishing to exercise any of the privileges governed by this article 11.8 and for each geographical location at or from which any person wishes to conduct business as an escort, escort bureau, or escort bureau runner.
(4) No license granted under the provisions of this article 11.8 may be transferred or assigned, with or without consideration, without the consent of the local licensing authority. Any attempted transfer or assignment without the consent of the local licensing authority shall render the applicable license void.
(5) No changes of location for licensed premises shall be allowed without the consent of the local licensing authority. Any attempted change of location for licensed premises without the consent of the local licensing authority shall render the applicable license void.
(6) When a license has been issued to a husband and wife, the death of a spouse shall not require the surviving spouse to obtain a new license. All rights and privileges granted under the original license shall continue in full force and effect as to the survivor for the balance of the license.
(7) The licenses provided pursuant to this article 11.8 shall specify the date of issuance, the period which is covered, the name of the licensee, and the premises licensed. The license shall be conspicuously displayed at all times in the licensed premises of any person thereby licensed.