(1) (a) There is hereby created an advisory committee on licensing of child care facilities to advise and consult with the department in the administration and enforcement of this part 1. The committee shall consist of fifteen members to be appointed by the governor for terms of three years; except that, of the members first appointed, four shall be appointed for three years, four for two years, and three for one year. Thereafter, members shall be appointed for terms of three years except in the case of a vacancy that shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term. A member may be appointed to succeed himself or herself and may continue to serve on the committee beyond the end of his or her term until the governor appoints a successor. Members who have been appointed to fill the remainder of an unexpired term may be appointed to fill the succeeding full term.
(b) The members of the advisory committee shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to their reasonable traveling expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, which shall be paid as a part of the expenses of administering this part 1.
(c) The committee shall consist of nine members who shall represent the various types of facilities licensed under the provisions of this part 1, four members representing various state and local governmental agencies with an interest in and concern for children, and two members at large who are parents, each having at least one child attending a facility licensed or certified under this part 1 at the time of such members' appointment.
(d) A majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum, the presence of which at any meeting thereof duly called by the department shall have full and complete power to act upon and resolve in the name of the committee any matter or question referred to it by the department. The committee, as soon after appointment as practicable, shall elect from among its members a chairman, a vice-chairman, and a secretary who shall hold office until their successors are elected. The chairman shall preside at all meetings of the committee, and the secretary shall make a record of the proceedings thereof that shall be preserved in the office of the department. All members of the committee shall be entitled to vote on any matter or question that properly comes before it.
(e) Repealed.
(2) The department is authorized to hold institutes and programs for licensees under this part 1 in order to assist in the improvement of standards and practices of facilities operated and maintained by licensees and in the more efficient and practical administration and enforcement of this part 1. In conducting such institutes and programs, the department may request the assistance of health, education, and fire safety officials.