§ 26-6-106.3. Certification and annual recertification of foster care homes by county departments and licensed child placement agencies - background and reference check requirements - definitions

CO Rev Stat § 26-6-106.3 (2018) (N/A)
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(1) This section applies to foster care homes, including kinship foster care homes, certified by county departments or licensed child placement agencies. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4) of this section, this section does not apply to foster care homes that are licensed by the state department pursuant to the requirements of section 26-6-104 and that do not receive moneys from the counties or children placed by the counties. A foster care home licensed by the state department must undergo all of the background checks and requirements set forth in section 26-6-104 or as otherwise stated in this part 1.

(2) A person operating a foster care home shall obtain a certificate to operate the home from a county department or a child placement agency licensed under the provisions of this part 1. A certificate is considered a license for the purpose of this part 1, including but not limited to the investigation and criminal history background checks required under this section and section 26-6-107. Each certificate must be in the form prescribed and provided by the state department, certify that the person operating the foster care home is a suitable person to operate a foster care home or provide care for a child, and contain any other information as the state department requires. A child placement agency issuing or renewing any such certificate shall notify the state department about the certification in a method and time frame as set by rule adopted by the state board.

(3) A foster care home, when certified by a county department or child placement agency, may receive for care a child from a source other than the certifying county department or child placement agency upon the written consent and approval of the certifying county department or child placement agency.

(4) A county department or licensed child placement agency may certify a facility as a foster care home that is also licensed as a family child care home by the state department so long as the licensure and certification are provided by two separate licensing entities.

(5) Prior to issuing a certificate or a recertification to an applicant to operate a foster care home, a county department or a child placement agency licensed under the provisions of this part 1 shall conduct the following background checks for the applicant for a certificate, a person employed by the applicant, or a person who resides at the facility or the home:

(a) A fingerprint-based criminal history record check through the Colorado bureau of investigation and the federal bureau of investigation to determine if the applicant, employee, or a person who resides at the facility or the home has been convicted of:

(I) Child abuse, as specified in section 18-6-401, C.R.S.;

(II) A crime of violence, as defined in section 18-1.3-406, C.R.S.;

(III) An offense involving unlawful sexual behavior, as defined in section 16-22-102 (9), C.R.S.;

(IV) A felony, the underlying factual basis of which has been found by the court on the record to include an act of domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3, C.R.S.;

(V) A felony involving physical assault, battery, or a drug-related offense within the five years preceding the date of application for a certificate;

(VI) A pattern of misdemeanor convictions, as defined by rule of the state board, within the ten years immediately preceding the date of submission of the application; or

(VII) Any offense in any other state, the elements of which are substantially similar to the elements of any one of the offenses described in subparagraphs (I) to (VI) of this paragraph (a);

(b) A check of the ICON system at the state judicial department to determine the status or disposition of any criminal charges brought against the applicant, employee, or a person who resides at the facility or the home that were identified by the fingerprint-based criminal history record check through the Colorado bureau of investigation and the federal bureau of investigation;

(c) A check of the state department's automated database for information to determine if the person, employee, or person who resides at the facility or the home has been identified as having a finding of child abuse or neglect and whether such finding has been determined to present an unsafe placement for a child; and

(d) A check against the state's sex offender registry and against the national sex offender public registry operated by the United States department of justice that checks names and addresses in the registries and the interactive database system for Colorado to determine if the applicant, employee, or person who resides at the facility or the home is a registered sex offender.

(6) A county department or a child placement agency licensed under the provisions of this part 1 shall not issue a certificate to operate, or a recertification to operate, a foster care home and shall revoke or suspend a certificate if the applicant for the certificate, a person employed by the applicant, or a person who resides at the facility or home:

(a) Has been convicted of any of the crimes listed in paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of this section as verified through fingerprint-based criminal history record checks and a check of the ICON system at the state judicial department;

(b) Has been identified as having a finding of child abuse or neglect through a check of the state department's automated database and such finding has been determined to present an unsafe placement for a child;

(c) Is a registered sex offender in the sex offender registry created pursuant to section 16-22-110, C.R.S., or is a registered sex offender in another state as determined by a check of the national sex offender public registry operated by the United States department of justice; except that this provision does not apply to an adult resident who has been placed in the foster care facility or home for treatment under an adult child waiver. The sex offender registry checks must check the known names and addresses of the applicant, employee, or a person who resides at the facility or the home in the interactive database system for Colorado and in the national sex offender public registry against all of the registrants' known names and addresses.

(7) For purposes of this section, "convicted" means a conviction by a jury or by a court and includes a deferred judgment and sentence agreement, a deferred prosecution agreement, a deferred adjudication agreement, an adjudication, or a plea of guilty or nolo contendere; except that this does not apply to a diversion or deferral or plea for a juvenile who participated in diversion, as defined in section 19-1-103 (44), C.R.S., and does not apply to a diversion or deferral or plea for a person who participated in and successfully completed the child abuse and child neglect diversion program as described in section 19-3-310, C.R.S.

(8) (a) The convictions identified in paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of this section and paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of this section must be determined according to the records of the Colorado bureau of investigation or the federal bureau of investigation and the ICON system at the state judicial department. The screening request in Colorado shall be made pursuant to section 19-1-307 (2)(k.5), C.R.S., rules promulgated by the state board pursuant to section 19-3-313.5, C.R.S., and 42 U.S.C. sec. 671 (a)(2). A certified copy of the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction of the conviction, deferred judgment and sentence agreement, deferred prosecution agreement, or deferred adjudication agreement is prima facie evidence of a conviction or agreement.

(b) The county department or child placement agency must not issue a certificate to operate a foster care home or a kinship foster care home if the state department or the county department has a certified court order from another state indicating that the person applying for the certificate:

(I) Has been convicted of child abuse or any unlawful sexual offense against a child under a law of any other state or the United States, the elements of which are substantially similar to the elements of any of the offenses described in subparagraphs (I) to (VI) of paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of this section; or

(II) Has entered into a deferred judgment or deferred prosecution agreement in another state as to child abuse or any sexual offense against a child, the elements of which are substantially similar to the elements of any of the offenses described in subparagraphs (I) to (VI) of paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of this section.

(9) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part 1, a person shall not operate a foster care home that is certified by a county department or by a child placement agency if he or she is a relative of any employee of the child welfare division or unit of the county department certifying the foster care home or a relative of any owner, officer, executive, member of the governing board, or employee of the child placement agency certifying the foster care home. If the person files an application with a county department or a child placement agency that would violate the provisions of this subsection (9) by certifying the foster care home, the county department or child placement agency shall refer the application to another county department or to a child placement agency. Unless otherwise prohibited, the county department or child placement agency to which the application was referred may certify and supervise a foster care home operated by the person. The county department that referred the application may place a child in the county-certified foster care home upon written agreement of the two county departments.

(10) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part 1, an owner; officer; executive; member of the governing board; employee of a child placement agency licensed pursuant to this part 1; or any relative of said owner, officer, executive, member, or employee shall not hold a beneficial interest in any property operated or intended to be operated as a foster care home, when the property is certified by the child placement agency as a foster care home.

(11) A county department or licensed child placement agency may issue a one-time provisional certificate for a period of six months to an applicant for an original certificate that permits the applicant to operate a foster care home if the applicant is temporarily unable to conform to all standards required under this part 1 upon proof by the applicant that he or she is attempting to conform to such standards or to comply with any other requirements. The applicant has a right to appeal to the state department any standard that the applicant believes presents an undue hardship or has been applied too stringently by the county department or licensed child placement agency. Upon the filing of an appeal, the state department shall proceed in the manner prescribed for licensee appeals in section 26-6-106 (3).